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Anonymous 17/04/08(Sat)13:39 No. 21145 ID: 440fa8

Lol using the word cringy on a thread like this is pointless.... MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA!

Anonymous 17/04/08(Sat)18:35 No. 21146 ID: 6d1019

Little did they know that Minus 8 is also a fan of Jojo and Drew a Female Version of Death 13 one time.

Anonymous 17/04/09(Sun)02:29 No. 21147 ID: 1cedee

That doesn't mean you get a free pass for spamming your shitty irrelevant "jokes". Fuck off back to Reddit where you belong.

Anonymous 17/04/09(Sun)02:37 No. 21148 ID: 9c86c6

I don't even Reddit. I mostly hang out here (reloading the pages everyday, in YouTube waiting for more Silvagunner, or in Swfchan looking at more porn while waiting for minus8.

Anonymous 17/04/09(Sun)03:14 No. 21149 ID: 970c07


That doesn't even make any sense you idiot.

"But it was me but it was me Dio"

Anonymous 17/04/09(Sun)03:44 No. 21150 ID: 440fa8

Oh boy do I see the salt shooting out of your pee holes. Settle down everyone.

Anonymous 17/04/09(Sun)06:28 No. 21151 ID: 3dae11

Kk I'll settle down and be quiet until Silvagu- I mean minus 8 uploads a new one.

Anonymous 17/04/10(Mon)14:19 No. 21153 ID: 4eea2b

I only want more loli stuff of Minus8 from now.

Anonymous 17/04/10(Mon)22:35 No. 21154 ID: b33755

That explains it
You're underage

Anonymous 17/04/11(Tue)00:08 No. 21155 ID: e274b1

i thought he was gonna stop doing loli stuff

Anonymous 17/04/11(Tue)15:22 No. 21156 ID: c7025e

We-well at least I don't disturb -8 and I only stay here for his works!
I only posted here a bit because of how quiet the thread is.

Anonymous 17/04/11(Tue)18:27 No. 21158 ID: 440fa8

eh from time to time I'LL POST a flash like that zelda one I posted. To keep things lively

Anonymous 17/04/11(Tue)23:16 No. 21159 ID: 7069b9

Wait what? What is your problem with Silva?

Anonymous 17/04/12(Wed)16:32 No. 21160 ID: aeecfb


Anonymous 17/04/12(Wed)22:13 No. 21162 ID: 60308d

He used that to know that I am an underage person that likes -8's art

Anonymous 17/04/13(Thu)10:08 No. 21163 ID: fb3cf1

Does anyone know the song for this one? I'm desperate.

(sorry if this is the wrong place to ask first time posting here)

Anonymous 17/04/13(Thu)23:36 No. 21165 ID: 7671a9

Thanks I've seen that a lot of times.
Also, how do you view the swf on browser?

Anonymous 17/04/14(Fri)07:17 No. 21167 ID: cb30c6


Anonymous 17/04/14(Fri)08:04 No. 21168 ID: 440fa8

Depends on what browser you are using. I use google chrome. Also did you update your latest version of flash? If so click on the swf link.

Msf swf Anonymous 17/04/14(Fri)08:15 No. 21169 ID: 23a2e2

File Minus8_Msf_Character_Select_No_Cut_Version.swf - (2.35MB , Minus8 Msf Character Select No Cut Version.swf )

Edited Msf swf I found.

Anonymous 17/04/15(Sat)09:03 No. 21170 ID: 0386f1

I heard chrome has been disabling flash by default on new versions.

Anonymous 17/04/15(Sat)10:44 No. 21171 ID: 440fa8

Really? Chrome seems fine for me. Probably because I'm running the previous update. Try dolphin or firefox web browsers. Heard those were great especially dolphin.

Anonymous 17/04/16(Sun)01:34 No. 21173 ID: 332069

Why is he such a whiner, people are here to support him and view his art, why does he act like everyone doesnt know he's a shitty person by now or something. Obviously people are aware he's a human being behind the screen but noone gives a shit and love his work.

Anonymous 17/04/16(Sun)06:53 No. 21174 ID: 7f0c79

I don't even think he's a bad person behind the screen. Everyone has bad thoughts, as long as he doesn't act on them everything is fine.

Anonymous 17/04/16(Sun)09:43 No. 21175 ID: c41cec

>누구보고 친구래 다 꺼져
>Who are you calling me buddy? Fuck off

>개같은 계정 왜 삭제 안돼지
>Why can't I delete this dogshit account

>누가 날 신고하면 계정이 폐쇠가 될꺼야
>I bet my account will get shutdown if someone reports me

>왜 계정 삭제가 안되지
>Why can't I delete my account

In case anyone wondering his rants in Korean

Anonymous 17/04/17(Mon)01:29 No. 21177 ID: 8d9dff

Hey minus8 https://youtu.be/h7UCUHCNcXc pls

Anonymous 17/04/17(Mon)04:14 No. 21178 ID: 1f9dd6

wOW what the fuck happened now???

Anonymous 17/04/17(Mon)11:20 No. 21179 ID: fef397

-8 is a faggot and did faggot shit. Same as always.

Anonymous 17/04/17(Mon)23:00 No. 21180 ID: f19044

Yeah, he's an article talking about it:

I don't remember where exactly I found out about this, but it was from a website that warned about the situation.

Anonymous 17/04/17(Mon)23:29 No. 21181 ID: 1f9dd6

no shocker tbh.

Anonymous 17/04/18(Tue)11:47 No. 21182 ID: 9a9fc2

>몰라 그냥 해야지 히히
>I dunno. I'm gonna just resume, hehe.

>쪽지도 다 비웠겠다. 나도 모르겠다 ㅎㅎ
싫어할 사람은 싷어하라지, 나 좋다는사람 아직 많음
>I deleted all the messages. I don't care, lol. Haters gonna hate. Plenty of people still like me

He's back.

Anonymous 17/04/18(Tue)14:25 No. 21183 ID: 8b85b4


He seriously seems to hate all the attention he gets and whenever he becomes too big he either nukes everything, spams posts, or jumps ship. So I've had the suspicion that the whole, "I'd fuck children if I could." thing was an attempt to drive people away from his Tumblr.

Either way I'll put up with his shit cause I genuinely like the art he does. All these adult animators seem to have some weird shit they work with: -8 hates his popularity, Boogie and his love of Nigel Thornberry and nightmare fuel, Zone being Zone, etc.

Anonymous 17/04/18(Tue)21:44 No. 21185 ID: 1f9dd6


Anonymous 17/04/19(Wed)04:23 No. 21187 ID: 80e568


Who is this character? I've seen her before, but I don't know where.

Anonymous 17/04/19(Wed)05:57 No. 21189 ID: ce3632

Miss Color, belongs to an artist called QuietStealth.

Anonymous 17/04/19(Wed)06:06 No. 21190 ID: 80e568


Thank you.

Anonymous 17/04/19(Wed)23:32 No. 21192 ID: 13f4d1


Anonymous 17/04/20(Thu)18:23 No. 21194 ID: 21f9a7

lol cry me a river little white maggot, go jerk off to white dicks somewhere else

Anonymous 17/04/22(Sat)08:08 No. 21198 ID: 0016f1

You can play Flash files without using a browser. Official portable Flash executionable: https://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/debug_downloads.html.

Click "Download the Flash Player projector content debugger" under your OS.

Anonymous 17/04/22(Sat)09:30 No. 21199 ID: 931d02

Well, he asked how to view on the browser.
I assumed he was able to view SWF through the standalone player.

Also, some websites such as FC2 and xhamster still use flash based players.
It was probably in one of those sites that I heard about flash being disabled by default.

Anonymous 17/04/23(Sun)19:08 No. 21203 ID: d86ef7

You guys don't need to talk about it anymore I already found out how to do it.

Anonymous 17/04/23(Sun)23:29 No. 21204 ID: be5d8f

I need a .sfw of that last animation he's done.

Anonymous 17/04/24(Mon)20:22 No. 21206 ID: 348efa

minus8 (or other anons) if you can't post your art on tumblr because of censoring or blackmailing there's gnusocial and more specifically https://gs.smuglo .li is a place that can help you imo.
They also have a tor node if your country is horrible (some US states and france)
See the admin of the serve if you have questions
https://gs.smuglo .li/dolus
note:remove the space in the last URL just before the ".li" I don't know why but 7chan banned me for trying to post it entirely.
Stay free anons

Anonymous 17/04/24(Mon)20:33 No. 21207 ID: 54a0b0

also I forgot to say that if anyone want's to make there onw gnu social server here's the manual
Also more GS servers
You have also a fork of gnu social called postactiv that adds frequently more functions
The fork was made after the gnusocial developers asked it because they couldn't keep up with so much modifications.
So it will be one day merged with gnu social.
Use it if you want to have more recent modifications.

Anonymous 17/04/26(Wed)02:52 No. 21211 ID: 7a1503

File RHPP34.swf - (2.09MB )

Peachy Pop is the new minus8!


Anonymous 17/04/26(Wed)04:56 No. 21212 ID: 4b2dfa


Anonymous 17/04/26(Wed)07:34 No. 21213 ID: e28090

I disagree. Not because PeachyPop is inferior artistically but because it feels like PeachyPop is chasing after minus8.

Also PeachyPop doesn't really do any rhythm syncing with their works.

Anonymous 17/04/26(Wed)08:42 No. 21214 ID: 7a1503


At least he includes a proper cum button, though...

Anonymous 17/04/26(Wed)19:52 No. 21215 ID: bef766

Nah, -8 does it for the enjoyment and his fan and Peachy does it for the $$$ and locks her content behind the paywall known as patreon.

Anonymous 17/04/27(Thu)16:19 No. 21216 ID: ffb08c

PeachyPop's stuff is alright for what it's worth. I wish the patreon stuff they make would be "officially released" after so much time has passed but as long as they aren't hunting down people reuploading it, it's fine.

But yeah it'll never match minus8's stuff just due to his specific style. Saying "She's the new minus8" because "Made porn of same thing minus8 did" is... something else.

Anonymous 17/04/28(Fri)02:44 No. 21217 ID: 61fb9b

When they start making not-clickables, multiple faces, randomization and actually funny crap, THEN they'll be "The New -8"

Anonymous 17/04/28(Fri)11:41 No. 21218 ID: 3a960a

>actually funny crap
Did I miss something?

Anonymous 17/04/28(Fri)18:22 No. 21220 ID: 0016f1

This is pretty interesting. Do you know more about privacy- and user-friendly, decentralized services where people congregate and host content?

Who are you on gs.smuglo .li ?
Or if you have a Discord, we can chat through there.

Anonymous 17/04/30(Sun)21:00 No. 21222 ID: 6569e4

File TF_PP34_7.swf - (1.78MB )

Since we're on the subject of PeachyPop, I'm gonna post a few flashes from her Patreon

I have no remorse for paywalls

Anonymous 17/04/30(Sun)21:02 No. 21223 ID: 6569e4

File PP34_Meetup.swf - (654.05KB , PP34 Meetup.swf )

Anonymous 17/04/30(Sun)21:05 No. 21224 ID: 6569e4

File Peach_Rosa_Daisy_Full.swf - (1.52MB )

Anonymous 17/04/30(Sun)21:09 No. 21225 ID: 6569e4

File Palutena_Extra.swf - (1.32MB , Palutena Extra.swf )

Anonymous 17/05/01(Mon)06:08 No. 21226 ID: 0ed7a0

I can respect people like you.

Anonymous 17/05/01(Mon)12:43 No. 21227 ID: be5d8f

I respect you for your intent and outlook, however, honestly, this work isn't even near the level of -8. I do not enjoy it, I find it very mediocre, so I would prefer you abstaining from posting this work in a -8 thread.

Thank you and all the best.

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)00:05 No. 21230 ID: cbada8

I feel bad for people who actually payed for this.

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)04:05 No. 21231 ID: 6a9a75

Did people really pay for this?
I dont want to sound like a fanboy but minus8 is far superior than this.

I mean -8 did these

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)05:04 No. 21232 ID: 9a3271

Pornographic depictions of non-statutory rape are hella common. They're tolerated on the same principle- people should be able to distinguish fantasy/fiction from reality.

If they aren't capable of that, well there's already access to tons of media that depicts murder/gun violence etc., on top of the aforementioned depictions of rape, underage sexual relations, and generally unsafe sexual practices.

So this cat's already well out of the bag, people are just particularly uncomfortable with kid stuff.

That being said, actual kid-diddling is bad. I'm not going to condemn them for those fantasies, but they should probably seek some sort of help for that.

Maybe not professional therapy necessarily, but some outlet to sort out these thoughts and feelings in a healthy way.

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)05:07 No. 21233 ID: d2786c


You're replying to a post that's a month old. No one cares about that anymore.

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)05:14 No. 21234 ID: 9a3271

Death of the Author(Artist?)
If the art itself doesn't advocate child rape then it's fine.

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)05:15 No. 21235 ID: 9a3271

Not to say minus8 advocated it either, but even if he HAD gone that far, that reasoning for keeping the archive would stand

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)05:16 No. 21236 ID: 9a3271

Also not quite the correct usage of DotA if I recall correctly but w/e

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)06:09 No. 21237 ID: ada214

You must be new here, read the thread, learn who -8 is and watch some of his works then you'll be up to speed

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)09:42 No. 21238 ID: 9ba712

I wish I could animate like minus 8 but every time I look at it I'm always like DAMN THIS IS SOME HARD WORK!

minus8 17/05/03(Wed)03:45 No. 21239 ID: 6edefd


Anonymous 17/05/03(Wed)11:42 No. 21240 ID: c893d7

Had a really fun night getting caught up with your art history :) Thanks for the good times, hope you stay around forever.

minus8 17/05/05(Fri)11:57 No. 21245 ID: d4ad92


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