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Roommates (loli) Anonymous 12/10/06(Sat)11:32 No. 17319

It all started when I was 19, in my first semester at college. I'd moved away from home and into my first apartment, and got my first roommate as well. He was a year younger than me, but unlike me he hadn't spent a year after graduating highschool saving up his money for tuition and rent. His parents died in an avalanche at a ski resort, and between their considerable savings and the payout from the life insurance, he could afford college and not have to work for years. I hadn't known it when I met him at orientation and we decided to share an apartment, but he also had custody of his 11 year old sister.

The apartment was big, and nicer than I could have ever afforded on my own, so all three of us had separate bedrooms (hers was supposed to be a laundry room or something originally.). I also discovered my roommate was a bit of a dick who neglected his little sister.

I don't think it was intentional, more a result of losing his parents and having to adjust his plans for the future to revolve around caring for his sibling, and he probably wasn't ready for that sort of responsibility. But unless he needed to give her a ride or buy her something she needed, he basically didn't interact with her. He also barely did anything with me; maybe once a week he'd play video games with me, but he spent nearly all his time in class or shut in his room studying.

His little sister was cute, with her blue eyes, freckles, and short, light brown hair, but obviously way too young for me. She didn't play with dolls or anything, so I guess she was mature for her age, but she also spent all her time shut in her room when she wasn't at school. And I don't think she had any friends at her new school either.

After a month or so with my new roommates, we'd settled into a routine. If they weren't exactly friendly, they weren't bad either; quiet, clean, and they were the only way I could afford a really nice apartment just a block from campus.

I wish I'd known then what I know now. It'd have saved me a lot of grief.

Anonymous 14/06/14(Sat)04:16 No. 21938

How about "the author is a lazy fuckstick who can't sit his ass down and write and if someone else comes along and takes over at least it's something rather than the stream of nothing we've had for two fucking months"

FapArtist 14/06/14(Sat)07:09 No. 21939

It's not gonna be the same. Just be patient. There are other stories to read in the meantime. Most stories that are 'taken over' lose their appeal in one chapter and ruin the original author's intention. Besides, other stories have waited longer for an update than this and they were brought back. Give him more time.

Anonymous 14/06/15(Sun)06:22 No. 21944


How about the author doesn't owe anybody in this thread anything whatsoever? If you're so impatient in seeing this story finished, stop whining and finish it yourself. Otherwise stop whining.

Anonymous 14/06/15(Sun)06:24 No. 21945

Ha ha ha, go fuck myself. Nope, instead I think I will just fuck you over with mundane, unimaginitive bullshit chapters. Flooding this thread with paragraph after paragraph forcing you to search for an OP post (if there should ever be one). All the while taking the shine and glimmer off the thread. In the end killing it , even if OP decides he wants to back, it will be a bastardized notion of it's former self. Cheer!


Anonymous 14/06/15(Sun)12:40 No. 21946

Just make a new thread called "Unofficial Roommates continuation". People who don't like it can hide it.

Problem solved, shut up now everybody.

Anonymous 14/06/15(Sun)18:29 No. 21948

anyday now

FapArtist 14/06/15(Sun)22:45 No. 21951

Thank the Mods. At least I know where to find justice when I lose faith in people.

Anonymous 14/06/16(Mon)00:23 No. 21952

thx based mods

Anonymous 14/06/20(Fri)06:14 No. 21970

I think OP got stabbed by his ex-girlfriend again but this time OP done dead

TallThinker!9N4nUN7jEY 14/06/27(Fri)06:54 No. 21989

Maybe he actually got stuck in a post-apocalyptic world this time...

Off in the distance there appears an odd grouping of clouds. No, smoke, alternating in large and small groupings...

"Send new router."

Anonymous 14/06/28(Sat)07:48 No. 21993

maybe OP can give us a sign that he's still alive?

Anonymous 14/06/30(Mon)14:45 No. 22009

come my son

Anonymous 14/07/01(Tue)20:05 No. 22015

op is kill

not op 14/07/01(Tue)20:29 No. 22016

Hey, OP. It's my birthday tomorrow. You should totally give us some kind of update on how you're doing. The best birthday present will be knowing that you are still alive in this barren, post-apocalyptic wasteland.

Anonymous 14/07/02(Wed)11:34 No. 22021


Anonymous 14/07/03(Thu)04:51 No. 22026

OP diddly done dead

Anonymous 14/07/04(Fri)17:18 No. 22034

Shhh, be calm.
The OP will post when the time is right.
Notice that this thread has been running for almost two years without being abandoned?
Wait, re-read and browse other places.
The posts will keep comeing.

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 14/07/07(Mon)01:39 No. 22046


I'm alive. I just haven't had any motivation or inspiration to write lately. Way I see it, if I force myself to write when I'm not feeling it, I write shit. So I'm gonna wait until the creative juices are flowing again.

Anonymous 14/07/07(Mon)08:04 No. 22047


just knowing that you're alive is enough :)

Anonymous 14/07/08(Tue)08:46 No. 22049


Anonymous 14/07/18(Fri)09:55 No. 22089

Remember: Our antagonist never finds 7chan.

Does that imply something, or are we just over-analytic bitches?

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 14/07/20(Sun)19:42 No. 22096


Probably won't be too terribly long until the next bit is out; I'm feeling the creative juices stir again, but it's not quite there yet.

Way I see it, I can either agonize you guys by making you wait for long stretches for a good chapter, or I can force myself to write when I'm not feeling it and give you guys hack shit. I'd rather go for quality over quantity/speed.

Anonymous 14/07/21(Mon)02:15 No. 22097

Thanks for thinking of us mate. I would vote for that choice any day.

Anonymous 14/07/21(Mon)05:00 No. 22099

Second that.

Anonymous 14/07/23(Wed)07:25 No. 22113

define terribly long

Anonymous 14/07/24(Thu)06:19 No. 22114

would deffo settle for hack shit tho. this aint the paris review of books

Anonymous 14/07/24(Thu)08:05 No. 22115


Get a load of this pleb.

We have waited half a year soon, what is a week or a month more to us now? Quality is worth the wait.

Anonymous 14/07/27(Sun)20:59 No. 22125

Dude, from one writer to another: you can't wait for inspiration to strike. It will never strike you if you're not already writing. Sit down and write. The disgusting perverts here are waiting with bated breath and throbbing erections for the rest of your story. Don't you want to give it to them?

Anonymous 14/08/01(Fri)05:45 No. 22156

back to the front with you!!!

Anonymous 14/08/04(Mon)10:18 No. 22180

Why? Let it fucking die if he isn't going to update it. Let other authors who are active use the front page.

Anonymous 14/08/05(Tue)06:06 No. 22182

we can never let this thread die, this thread has become a part of everyone who followed OP and his shenanigans. If this thread dies, we all die a little.

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 14/08/09(Sat)21:11 No. 22226

*clears throat*


Anonymous 14/08/09(Sat)23:58 No. 22227


god bless your heart for what you're doing, man.

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 14/08/10(Sun)20:46 No. 22233

Ok, so my internet connection didn't let me do it yesterday. Hope this is good enough.


I slid my hand down to her crotch and gently stroked her smooth, soft labia. Giggling, she announced, "that tickles!" I blew a raspberry and she responded in kind as I continued to softly caress her labia.

After a little while, I ran one finger across the little hint of her hood peeking out from between her lips and it was like a jolt went through her. She gasped, then laughed, blushing, and I grinned at her and continued with the slow, gentle stroking.

After another minute or two, she started to relax, her body melting into mine, as I continued rubbing.

"Do you like this?"

"It feels good," she declared, holding my free hand in both of hers. I gently kissed her on the forehead, which was as far as I could reach while positioned like this, and told her to close her eyes. She complied, trusting me implicitly.

I had a little girl's unquestioning trust, and I was abusing it like this. Afterward, I could see the newspaper headlines about how I was the worst kind of criminal scum for 'corrupting the innocence of a child', but at the moment I didn't think about anything but... this. This one moment of paradise. I had a beautiful young girl who trusted me, liked me, thought I was cool, and she made me feel good. Now it was my turn to make her feel as good as she made me feel, and I intended to return the favor.

I gradually increased the speed of my stroking, watching her labia stretch, squish, and move as I rubbed them. I got closer and closer to the center until I was rubbing down her soft, moist slit, her hood between my fingers. I'm not entirely certain, but I think the way I was doing it was putting pressure on her clitoris without stimulating it directly. She was certainly responding positively.

Her face was flushed and her breathing was fast and shallow, eyes squeezed shut. A soft moan escaped her lips and I intensified my rubbing a little more. She arched her hips slightly, giving my hand better access to her holiest of holies, and I looked away from her face to... whoa.

Her crotch was pink, not pale white like marble. Could crotches blush? I was just starting to realize this meant she was actually aroused by what I was doing, when my middle finger made another pass through her slit and came out warm and... slimy.

It took a second for me to figure that out, and I did the dumbest thing possible at that moment.

I stopped stroking her crotch, looked at my hand, and announced in a surprised voice, "You're wet!"

Sara's eyes shot open, her legs snapped shut, and she practically levitated off the bed, running out of the room before I even realized what was happening. The door to her room slammed shut before I even got out of my bed.

I knocked on the door and asked if she was all right and got no response. After a few moments of awkwardly standing naked outside a little girl's bedroom, I went back into my room, retrieved her shirt and panties, and stuck them in the laundry hamper.

Then I got dressed and sat down on the couch wondering what the hell just happened and vaguely aware that I'd screwed up somehow.

Anonymous 14/08/11(Mon)07:58 No. 22237


4 months later and we only get 500 words

But thanks for the update.

Did she think she peed? What a cutie.

Anonymous 14/08/11(Mon)09:00 No. 22238


I sincerely hope there's more and you're just teasing us

Anonymous 14/08/12(Tue)05:05 No. 22247


op pls, enough is enough.

Anonymous 14/08/12(Tue)06:57 No. 22249

op i need another fix

Anonymous 14/08/12(Tue)14:51 No. 22251


I don't really care about the length, so much as the "unexpected plot twist." To be honest, it felt a little forced, and it seems specifically manufactured to troll the audience. From a writing perspective, I don't think the main character would have naturally been so clumsy/dumb and ruin something like that with talking. He might have thought it, but I'm sure the pressure of not wanting to get caught and wanting everything to go well would have been more than enough.

But yeah, it was also way too short.

Random+Evername 14/08/13(Wed)07:55 No. 22254


I think the conflict is easily understandable. She didn't really understand that she would get wet and was embarrassed when he mentioned it. She may even think that he thought she was peeing.

It doesn't seem to be the sort of thing that would sustain a lot of tension for very long. With Sara not providing the sexual tension she had earlier in the story, you'll need another source. The only other character in the story is her brother. He's set up perfectly, but some of those chapters may not be fun.

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 14/08/14(Thu)05:15 No. 22274


Dunno how forced it can be, given the foreshadowing from previous instances where she suddenly ran off while he was touching her. He just got surprised, blurted out the wrong thing, and she wigged out.

More will come, when and as I'm inspired to write. What with changing jobs, having to deal with health issues and going to court over my psycho ex, I've been really wrung out over the last couple months and need to recharge the batteries.

But I'm starting to feel the urge to write again...

Anonymous 14/08/14(Thu)06:27 No. 22276


That's great. This is a good story, and it deserves to be written. I wouldn't take criticism too seriously though. I like the story, and while I was a little disappointed at the last chapter, (a little short, and yeah, I kind of wanted to see more happen than really did), I'm still thrilled to see where it goes! Keep it up! Fans are waiting!

Anonymous 14/08/15(Fri)15:12 No. 22286


Anonymous 14/08/19(Tue)02:54 No. 22313

Bump for more

Anonymous 14/08/21(Thu)23:11 No. 22326


Anonymous 14/08/29(Fri)00:04 No. 22353

Just found this thread today, and oh my god. This is the best piece of elit I've ever read. OP, please keep doing what you're doing and don't listen to anyone else. I LOVE the slow pace and hints of romance. Will be checking this thread every day now. Also, as a self proclaimed artist I took the liberty to make a few sketches of the scenes from your story.

Anonymous 14/08/31(Sun)06:18 No. 22359

Well I just went to make a document for this story, and its almost 35k. Has anyone else made a document and is it online? Because if so you may want to link it.

Also OP if you ever make a asstr account LINK IT! I want to follow you, if I knew where you lived I would be following you IRL.

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 14/09/01(Mon)01:30 No. 22362


My story has fan art?

Let's see it.

Anonymous 14/09/08(Mon)10:00 No. 22399

I haven't posted yet, but I've been following for over a month. It's a great story, and there's so much promise, but just when things start to get good, we get a tease and then no posts for what feels like FOREVER. OP, we all love this story, but now it seems like we'll never get a next chapter, let alone a conclusion. We want you to finish, and I understand not feeling in the mood to write, but if you ever do, we're here waiting with heavily-baited breath, and heavily-breathed bating. Please finish, OP. We believe in you.

Anonymous 14/09/12(Fri)04:39 No. 22417


Anonymous 14/09/14(Sun)07:21 No. 22425

So... I've just used half a night to read the entire story so far, and I must say, that this is literary gold... The story and the characters are very in depth, and the progression is very binding! Can't wait to see an update for this! We believe in you OP!

Anonymous 14/09/18(Thu)15:54 No. 22458


Anonymous 14/09/22(Mon)20:54 No. 22480

So we have two types of people viewing this thread:
Those who just arrived on scene and are very enthusiastic;
And those who have given up hope and just generally lurks around the thread.

Anonymous 14/09/23(Tue)04:38 No. 22481

and yet it feels like such a short time ago when I still had hope

not+op 14/09/23(Tue)08:36 No. 22482

Get out of my head.

Anonymous 14/09/27(Sat)08:29 No. 22491

Where is OP

Anonymous 14/09/27(Sat)19:00 No. 22492

Will posting my art inspire OP to write more?

Anonymous 14/09/28(Sun)00:14 No. 22493


Anonymous 14/09/28(Sun)03:55 No. 22494

Do you, the artist, consider it mediocre or offputting? If not , then post it.

Anonymous 14/09/28(Sun)03:55 No. 22495

Do you, the artist, consider it mediocre or offputting? If not , then post it.

Anonymous 14/10/05(Sun)18:42 No. 22533

Can you delete that double post, it's really bothering me every time I check in,

If he does delete it, then I look like an idiot.

Anonymous 14/10/06(Mon)07:58 No. 22534

Anonymous often looks like an idiot. Don't fret about it.

Anonymous 14/10/07(Tue)10:28 No. 22541

Can't post art in this. Tried.

Anonymous 14/10/07(Tue)13:17 No. 22542


Try posting in /cake/ and putting a link here.

Anonymous 14/10/16(Thu)08:15 No. 22573

you must stay alive!!!!

Anonymous 14/10/17(Fri)12:49 No. 22579

Do this!

Anonymous 14/10/23(Thu)11:50 No. 22597

i need me some fish

not+op 14/10/29(Wed)08:09 No. 22644

I need me some more delicious story.

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 14/11/01(Sat)07:15 No. 22684

"Whoo-hoo-hoo, look who knows so much! It just so happens that your friend here is only mostly dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive." - Miracle Max, The Princess Bride

Anonymous 14/11/01(Sat)12:53 No. 22691


This a kiss book?

Anonymous 14/11/01(Sat)20:38 No. 22693

woo-hoo, op confirmed alive. next part coming in the next 18-60 months

(I'm just joking, op. take your time, we're all looking forward to it. good to see you still alive — even if slightly — in the nuclear, loli-less wasteland.)

Anonymous 14/11/18(Tue)06:07 No. 22809

great to hear you're back in the grove op

Anonymous 14/11/18(Tue)06:08 No. 22810

I meant 'groove' of course

Anonymous 14/11/19(Wed)00:07 No. 22815

If only the wasteland had mutant lolis, you might think of ideas for writing.

Anonymous 14/11/26(Wed)10:01 No. 22871

interesting OP

Anonymous 14/12/03(Wed)02:55 No. 22895

Please make us a christmas gift, OP!

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 14/12/07(Sun)01:02 No. 22912



Anonymous 14/12/07(Sun)02:22 No. 22913

Seriously OP, it's the romance that makes this story. Forget all the criticism and take it as slow as you want. I'm pretty sure we all ship these two at this point.

Anonymous 14/12/22(Mon)01:14 No. 23005

just got here yesterday so i get to join the eagerly waiting for updates club.
great story OP. though i am looking at the dates between posts and now wishing this story was pretyped.

Anonymous 14/12/22(Mon)21:12 No. 23012

yeah, you're in for one hell of a wait, man. totally worth it, though.

Riot 14/12/23(Tue)15:19 No. 23017

dammit.... i caught up.

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 14/12/26(Fri)01:12 No. 23019


So where's this fan art?

Anonymous 14/12/26(Fri)08:45 No. 23021


I second this motion.

Anonymous 14/12/30(Tue)06:57 No. 23034

Great writing skills OP. It's too bad that you aren't able to progress consistently, but I defitely get you.
Personaly I have the same problem with drawing. When inspired I can come up with great ideas and just draw, but when I can't picture the idea I just can't create anything. And like you, forcing it results in mediocre crap.
Anyway, keep working at it, this is great stuff you're putting out.

Anonymous 14/12/30(Tue)15:58 No. 23036

I don't know. Where's the rest of the story, you lazy cocksucker?

Anonymous 14/12/30(Tue)18:02 No. 23037

In a post-apocalyptic limbo with OP, duh.

Anonymous 14/12/30(Tue)21:01 No. 23038

I keep waiting for OP to run into the organization that masterminded the apocalypse, and I am continually disappointed that he never does.

Anonymous 14/12/31(Wed)16:26 No. 23041

Just started reading your story OP and it took me about 7 hours to read it...not sure if its cause I suck at english/reading or the excitement(then running around the room, shouting and making odd noises, followed by masturbating) delayed me most of that time, tho i think its a little of both...so good job on keeping me awake, you have given me reason to not leave my computer, and for that, I thank-you.

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SOMEONE GET OP A LOLI!!! Maybe it will help inspire something...

Anonymous 14/12/31(Wed)21:45 No. 23042

Because reminding OP of how we masturbate to his writing is such inspirational motivation.

Anonymous 15/01/02(Fri)16:03 No. 23050

>>23042 Honestly never fapped to this story. But I have enjoyed reading it immensely.
OP's writing style makes it very easy to picture the entire thing, and it all seems so plausible. He really brings the story too life, and he writes with enough descriptive language that I feel like someone could base an animation on his writing.

Anonymous 15/01/03(Sat)12:59 No. 23057

I think it was just bait for more story. OP keep writing. I do not think you have any idea the fans you have created.

Anonymous 15/01/06(Tue)09:47 No. 23076

You don't have to be rude about it.

If the author doesn't post more then we already have a great story. I don't think wishing them to die is good motivation.

Anonymous 15/01/16(Fri)02:14 No. 23118

i blew the biggest load reading this, pretty hard to fap and read

Anonymous 15/01/16(Fri)19:15 No. 23122

dont loose hope folks, op will lead us to glory


OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 15/01/26(Mon)01:07 No. 23157

I crouch in the corner, tense, heart pounding, trying not to hyperventilate. The waiting, the anticipation, always gets to me. I quietly thumb back the hammer.

The bandit, bearded and smelling like unwashed hobo crotch, walks into the room, clearly expecting it to be empty. He has a momentary look of surprise before I fire a 26.5mm flare into his chest.

Taking two MRE crackers and a ration bar, I make s'mores over the crackling fire burning in his chest cavity. Then, satisfied that my perimeter is once again secure, I sit down with my snack and futilely wipe dust and grease from the dim monitor before me.

Then I crack my knuckles and the ancient keyboard begins clacking.



Gentlemen, I have begun the next chapter of Roommates. I need to refresh my memory of where I'm at in the story; once that's finished, your patience shall be rewarded.

Yes, the mood is upon me once again: time to write.


Well, it's flattering, at any rate. It means I write a sexy story.

Better get to it.

Anonymous 15/01/26(Mon)08:11 No. 23158

Bless you OP!

Anonymous 15/01/28(Wed)03:52 No. 23163

This, except with a sexier monster of a story on the table instead.

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 15/01/28(Wed)04:33 No. 23164

Newest chapter is 80% complete. Figured I'd give you all an update so you don't feel like I'm jerking your chain.

Anonymous 15/01/30(Fri)16:26 No. 23171

bless your radioactive waste-filled heart, OP.

Anonymous 15/01/31(Sat)23:48 No. 23181

I cannot wait for the update, bless you op

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