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Roommates (loli) Anonymous 12/10/06(Sat)11:32 No. 17319

It all started when I was 19, in my first semester at college. I'd moved away from home and into my first apartment, and got my first roommate as well. He was a year younger than me, but unlike me he hadn't spent a year after graduating highschool saving up his money for tuition and rent. His parents died in an avalanche at a ski resort, and between their considerable savings and the payout from the life insurance, he could afford college and not have to work for years. I hadn't known it when I met him at orientation and we decided to share an apartment, but he also had custody of his 11 year old sister.

The apartment was big, and nicer than I could have ever afforded on my own, so all three of us had separate bedrooms (hers was supposed to be a laundry room or something originally.). I also discovered my roommate was a bit of a dick who neglected his little sister.

I don't think it was intentional, more a result of losing his parents and having to adjust his plans for the future to revolve around caring for his sibling, and he probably wasn't ready for that sort of responsibility. But unless he needed to give her a ride or buy her something she needed, he basically didn't interact with her. He also barely did anything with me; maybe once a week he'd play video games with me, but he spent nearly all his time in class or shut in his room studying.

His little sister was cute, with her blue eyes, freckles, and short, light brown hair, but obviously way too young for me. She didn't play with dolls or anything, so I guess she was mature for her age, but she also spent all her time shut in her room when she wasn't at school. And I don't think she had any friends at her new school either.

After a month or so with my new roommates, we'd settled into a routine. If they weren't exactly friendly, they weren't bad either; quiet, clean, and they were the only way I could afford a really nice apartment just a block from campus.

I wish I'd known then what I know now. It'd have saved me a lot of grief.

Anonymous 14/02/12(Wed)12:23 No. 21114

fuck off

Anonymous 14/02/12(Wed)18:35 No. 21118

No need to be rude fellas. Just a "I don't like the idea" is fine.

Anonymous 14/02/12(Wed)20:02 No. 21119

I thought that Op actually posted. way to dash my hopes and dreams.

The idea itself, I am not crazy about, but suggestions never hurt.

Anonymous 14/02/13(Thu)15:04 No. 21134

It seems very unlikely and unrealistic for this to happen and it sounds like the opposite of what OP would write.

Anonymous 14/02/16(Sun)15:40 No. 21154

This is a very bad idea

Anonymous 14/02/16(Sun)18:53 No. 21158

Play nice children, just a thought after all. although I do really like anal fingering, but that's just me.

Waxing Carnauba 14/02/17(Mon)20:44 No. 21162

He wakes up the next morning to find her gingerly stroking his penis. Not even stroking--more like studying; she would lift it turn it, blow on the underside to watch it twitch.

Needless to say, that was somewhat arousing. And by "Somewhat" I mean "So horny that it felt as though, were I to jizz, it would punch through the heavens with enough force to knock out God.

"Morning," he mutters, his voice half-way between a groan of sleep and a grunt of ecstacy.

"Morning, sleepyhead," she says. "I was just..." she blushed before finishing, "studying."

"I see," our humble narrator says as his wits creep back to him. "Wait... your brother--"

"Don't worry about him," she says. "He's not going to disturb us this morning."

Our narrator shutters as warm the breath of her words passes over the slick of precum that covered the purple head of his dick.

"I like this thing," she muses, wrapping a hand around the shaft to listlessly stroke. "Like--a lot."

Our narrator laughs in spite of himself. "I'm quite fond of it, too."

Her eyes lit up when she heard his words. "Seriously?"

Our narrator's laughter trailed off, but his smile remained. "Well, without it, we couldn't do what we do. And I *love* what we do."

She beamed as she popped to her feet, grabbing the hem of her cotton nightie and tearing it over her head with a flourish.

Our humble narrator's smile made the subtle shift to 'shit-eating grin' as he watched the milky white skin of her neck, the curve of her collar bone, the small soft promise of a developing bustline, her slender midriff, her hips showing just a fleck of womanhood, her penis, her legs that were sinewy from her time playing--

wait, wat

Shit-eating becomes nervous as our humble narrator slides his hips back, sitting his body as upright as his penis. "Wait--that's..."

If she picked up on his sudden concern, she didn't show it. "Isn't it awesome?"

"How is that--"

"You like it?"

He glances towards the door. "Uhh.. Bill?"

"I told you, he won't distrub us. Where do you think I found it?"

Our narrator can't help but look back at the protrusion. It looked a little under-developed for her young body--though, by his personality, it should hardly surprise me that my roommate had the dick of an eight-year-old.

"How is this even possible," he stammers.

"How *isn't* this possible?"

"Can I have you back to the way you were?"

She pouted a little. "How could you not like dicks?"

He sputters and stammers for a response, but all he can come up with is, "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Dicks".

Just then, a white light shone upon him, and lo, he heard the voice of God, and through the Word our narrator saw the truth of it. And on the sixth day, God created man, and of his rib God created Eve. And around man and woman he did create dicks. And upon Eve's womanhood God did add a dick. And the dicks were plentiful, and the Dicks were righteous. And God said unto Man, "Lo, I have granted you the gift of Dicks."

The flash gone, our humble narrator realized the folly of his ways. He was blessed, having taught this young woman the divine way of the dick, and the Lord of dicks had blessed her. And he could feel himself be blessed as well, much as Bill was cursed as The Ungrateful, and cast out of Dick Paradise, his dick having been removed.

Our narrator's bewildered gaze returned to where his forbidden lover stood, only to see her body take a transformation much unlike puberty. Her frame widened, her arms melding into the flesh that spun around her torso like a cocoon. It wasn't until the cocoon wound around her neck that he realized what was happening: Her body was becoming a shaft of flesh, and her head was being wrapped in a helmet of flesh.

The narrator muttered--"I don't get it. How are you--"

The giant penis angles slightly downward, somehow kept upright by forces unseen (and by forces, I most likely mean a pair of balls that our narrator couldn't see because of the bed, but it's best not to give it too much thought).

The head of the giant penis levelled itself out at his eye level, its urethral hole drooling a viscous strand of pre-cum. "No, Frank--you *are* the penis."

And then he was a zombie.

The End.

Moral of the story: lol butts

This story made extra realistic for >>21134

Anonymous 14/02/18(Tue)03:27 No. 21164

I just read "and then he was a zombie"

Anonymous 14/02/18(Tue)05:40 No. 21165

The creepy kid(girl)next door has been watching them and gets in the house one day and while they're going at it she joins in with some S&M.

Anonymous 14/02/19(Wed)10:59 No. 21172

Hmm, that name seems familiar. Can't quite remember where from, though...

Anonymous 14/02/19(Wed)17:32 No. 21176

We be needing regular updates up in this bitch yo

Anonymous 14/02/20(Thu)07:38 No. 21184

a-am I the only one who wants the MC to penetrate Sara?

Anonymous 14/02/20(Thu)19:09 No. 21190


Seems unlikely, personally I just want her to have an orgasm for once

Anonymous 14/02/21(Fri)02:24 No. 21197

she already had one

Anonymous 14/02/21(Fri)13:03 No. 21203

Yes, now shut up.

Where the beans at? Cowboy!6UZGZTHCak 14/02/21(Fri)19:36 No. 21206

Sweet story. Keep at it. And enough stupidness. Let the man write.

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 14/02/22(Sat)08:18 No. 21212

Story is on vacation and so am I. Creative juices aren't flowing, very upset about some things going on in my life right now, definitely not in the writing mood.

I am not abandoning the story, just putting it on hiatus again. When I finally feel like writing again, you'll be rewarded for your patience. In the meantime...

Meh. :-/

Anonymous 14/02/22(Sat)18:38 No. 21217

Okay, thanks for the work so far.

Just promise us that you'll write a part before 2015, please.

Anonymous 14/02/22(Sat)19:36 No. 21218

Alright children, leave the man alone now. Do your thing OP!!.

i got the corn bread. You got the honey? Cowboy!6UZGZTHCak 14/02/22(Sat)20:29 No. 21219

Nice. Nothing wrong with a vacation. Enjoy yourself, have fun being the creepy guy at the pool ;) And drink some alcohol for me.

wheres the dog with a bone grin emoticon?...

Anonymous 14/02/23(Sun)01:00 No. 21224


that's okay, OP, nuclear winter can be rough some times

Anonymous 14/02/23(Sun)07:37 No. 21225

Nice 21212 OP.
Good luck with what it is that ails you, regardless of bitching we can be patient. Take your time and work out the kinks in your life so you can spend time working on the kinks in ours ;0

Anonymous 14/03/02(Sun)00:37 No. 21266

Not going to let this thread go on the 2nd page. bump.

Anonymous 14/03/02(Sun)13:46 No. 21270

I hope OP delivers soon

Anonymous 14/03/02(Sun)23:09 No. 21274

Love u op

Anonymous 14/03/04(Tue)07:56 No. 21290


Anonymous 14/03/04(Tue)16:37 No. 21294

Is it in OP to hold off on posting just to see how many months this can stay on the front page without any new substantial content?

Patience 14/03/08(Sat)08:49 No. 21325

Sara won't be a loli anymore by the time another chapter comes along at this rate. ;)

Anonymous 14/03/09(Sun)15:41 No. 21329


OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 14/03/11(Tue)02:55 No. 21334

Don't get too excited, but I may be finding motivation to write again soon.

Walter 14/03/11(Tue)05:22 No. 21335

I just want to say that my heart skips a beat everytime I see this story at the top of page 1. Thank you, Anonymous.

Anonymous 14/03/11(Tue)20:42 No. 21341


Anonymous 14/03/14(Fri)05:50 No. 21361


Please. Moar... @_@

Anonymous 14/03/16(Sun)05:15 No. 21371

Awesome story, definitely gonna fave this link.

I just have to wonder though...who's playing who?

Our Hero, corrupting an innocent little girl from under his roommates/her brothers nose?

Our Heroine, who is far more intelligent than most 11 year olds, may have lost her cherry (why she refused to let him stuck his finger in), and is acting the role of innocent seductress?

Or our Hapless Fop, who seems far TOO unconcerned about his loli sister hanging out with an adult and actually laughs about them catching each other naked?

Such an intriguing story, I cannot wait for more!

Anonymous 14/03/16(Sun)10:04 No. 21374

My penis loves you so fucking much OP, never before I had ever fapped this hard to erotic literature holy shit.
Godspeed you, you're a pretty cool guy.

Anonymous 14/03/20(Thu)18:06 No. 21390

any day now

Anonymous 14/03/22(Sat)23:49 No. 21404


Anonymous 14/03/24(Mon)07:49 No. 21418

okay, something needs to be explained here. "Cherry" refers the the hymen, which is NOT suppose to break. It's suppose to stretch. Tearing of the hymen happens when the female is not aroused.
Another issue with the culture around the hymen, it can grow back. As it should, because again, it's not suppose to tear, it's suppose to stretch.
With insufficient arousal, it could have also been torn by masturbation, use of tampons (okay, at her age, no) or just plain exploration, humans are curious, I'm sure if you had a pleasure hole in your body you would interested in exploring it.

So stop glorifying "popping her cherry", as that just means that you did bother to make sure she was aroused, and by extension it means that your horrible at fucking

Anonymous 14/03/24(Mon)08:41 No. 21420


Um... No. Don't spread misinformation, especially wrong information about vaginas on a porn site.
For a TLDR, the hymen has a hole in it, and by puberty it is very thin and delicate. It is not at all common for it to be elastic, and arousal does not influence it's elasticity. It will not grow back, they have a surgery for this. In most circumstances, the hymen MUST be torn for successful sexual intercourse.

Anonymous 14/03/25(Tue)15:25 No. 21427

u wot m8

Anonymous 14/03/25(Tue)19:03 No. 21428

u wot m8

Anonymous 14/03/25(Tue)20:34 No. 21429

Are you trying to be so retarded that you sap the desire to masturbate out of anyone who looks at your posts? Because you're shockingly close to that goal.

Anonymous 14/03/27(Thu)10:32 No. 21439

Its nearly on par with the "girls who have a lot of sex have large labia" virginal fantasies. But this is what happens when you let idiots change Sex Ed to only consist of "don't have sex."

Anonymous 14/03/31(Mon)00:53 No. 21457

Gotta keep this on the front page in hopes of OP coming back.

Anonymous 14/04/01(Tue)06:41 No. 21466

I think you may also need to learn what a euphemism is, Starbuck.

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 14/04/03(Thu)03:33 No. 21474

I'm working on the next chapter now.

Anonymous 14/04/03(Thu)06:07 No. 21475

Welp time to get hype.

Anonymous 14/04/04(Fri)21:46 No. 21488


thank you OP, I love you

Anonymous 14/04/05(Sat)13:51 No. 21491

What about in here, anyone know where to find the story 'A start'? By Infinity.

And I ask in here because I'm hoping one of the many readers might have it.

Anonymous 14/04/06(Sun)19:12 No. 21496

>A start

Don't have the story, just sounds like it might be a bit hard to find the start of infinity.

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 14/04/07(Mon)04:52 No. 21499


Eh, just pick a random spot on a mobius strip and start from there.

Nearly done with the next chapter, just need to write the last bit, then go back and polish before posting.

Anonymous 14/04/10(Thu)02:12 No. 21520

why is this shit not on front page

Anonymous 14/04/10(Thu)06:10 No. 21524

Because OP hasn't updated it in months and other stories are getting updated so they push him off the top. Learn your fucking chan etiquette before you start bumping threads that don't have a purpose currently. If you comment something that doesn't contribute to the conversation, you sage.

Anonymous 14/04/10(Thu)23:12 No. 21530

I'd say there are enough fans to keep this thing bumped.

Anonymous 14/04/11(Fri)13:26 No. 21533


OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 14/04/13(Sun)01:40 No. 21538

Day 5,437. I continue to wander the wastelands and lament to myself that the apocalypse has a discouraging lack of lolis.

I'm gonna break this chapter into two parts, simply because I enjoy tormenting you with cliff hangers.


Thursday came and when I got back from class I was tingling all over in anticipation. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I was past the point of no return now. I did some exercises to work off my nervous energy, took a cold shower, and waited in my room clad only in my boxers.

Then I spent the next couple hours screwing around on 4chan and Cracked, got sucked into tvtropes yet again, and finally emerged for air. I walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of orange juice and as I was pouring it, I heard the door unlock and looked up just in time for Sara to walk in.

"Hey, kiddo! How was school?"

"Ok, I guess. My classmates suck and the teacher's boring. I'm gonna toss my stuff in my room."


I chugged my juice, set the glass in the sink without bothering to rinse it, and went into my room and shut the door. My heart was racing and my fingers were tingling again.

Oh, man. Oh man! I was excited, but nervous at the same time. Not about getting caught, we still had a couple hours before Bill was due back, I was nervous that she wouldn't want to do anything naughty with me. I'd already decided to proceed at her own pace and let her come to me, and I was worried she wouldn't want to.

There was a quiet knock on the door.

"It's open!"

Sara came in, grinning, and shut the door behind her. She was wearing only her t-shirt and panties. The ones with the condemning cartoon frogs on them.

Seems I had nothing to worry about after all; she was ready and willing.

She was nervous too, apparently, because she blushed shyly and asked, "Um, did... did you wanna... um..."

I chuckled, tousled her hair while she squawked indignantly, and slid my boxers off. She grinned and quickly pulled off her shirt and panties, standing before me stark naked.

Wow, she was beautiful. Pale skin as smooth and pure as a Renaissance sculpture, swollen pink buds where her breasts would someday be, the smooth cleft of Venus with just the tip of her hood peeking out and the freckle on her left lip... Every time I looked at her, I just wanted to stare forever. I met her gorgeous blue eyes and smiled back at her, then sat on the edge of the bed.

She crouched down in front of me, took my penis into her hand without asking, and began gently stroking, trying to get me hard.

As odd as it sounds, while this was going on, I asked her for more details about her day at school, which she seemed reluctant to provide, and it eventually came out that she had done poorly on a math quiz. Math was never my strong suit, but I offered to help her study and she grinned again and said I was the best friend she'd ever had as she stroked my erect cock.

Somewhere in hell, I have a reservation, probably engraved in stone and waxing poetic about how I willfully corrupted a young girl. At the moment, I didn't care. I had a beautiful, friendly, and eager 11 year old jerking me off.

"You wanna try what we did last time?"

She made a face and blew a raspberry, but after some hesitation she agreed to give me a blowjob again. She seemed reluctant, but I could tell that she did want to try it again.

This time, it was all up to her. I was letting her do things on her own. After a little more waffling, she finally took the head of my penis into her mouth.

"OUCH! Hey, watch the teeth!"

"Sorry! Sorry! I'm so sorry!"

"It's ok, kiddo, you just grazed me. But be careful, it's sensitive, remember?"

She nodded frantically, seemed a little afraid to try again, but eventually put me back in her mouth. I had to guide her at this point, but soon she was slowly bobbing her head up and down on my cock and I was in paradise.

I put one hand on her head and gently stroked her hair as she sucked amateurishly (I wasn't going to complain, since I was just as inexperienced, she was the only one willing to blow me, and it felt fantastic anyway.) and whispered gentle encouragement.

"You're doing good, baby girl. That feels great. Wanna go a little faster now? There you go. That's it. You're doing a good job!"

Ah, there we go! After only a few minutes, I felt that familiar tension in my balls, the tingling in my lower spine...

"Ok sweetie, get ready. Try not to spill it, ok?"

She started to nod, decided that was a bad idea, and just rested her hands on my thighs. I held her head in my hand in case she tried to pull away, but she never moved.

I finished the job by jerking myself with my free hand and within seconds I was in ecstasy, wave after wave of pure paradise accompanying each spurt of semen into Sara's mouth. I finally finished ejaculating and took my hand off her head and she pulled back slowly, my dick flopping out from between her lips. Her cheeks were bulged comically and she seemed unsure what to do next. A little of my jizz was on her lips and dribbling down to her chin.

"Let me see. Open your mouth."

She complied and I decided that the one thing that turned me on more than anything I'd ever seen was a cute 11 year old girl on her knees, naked, with her mouth full of my semen. I nearly achieved another erection just from the sight of it.

"Ok. Go ahead and swallow."

She closed her mouth and swallowed noisily, then made a 'bleagh' sound and wiped her face with the back of her hand.

"Do you not like how it tastes?"

She shook her head and climbed up onto the bed with me.

"No, it doesn't taste bad, it's just... weird. You know?"

She pulled her knees up to her bare chest and brushed her hair out of her face as she looked up at me. I put an arm around her and pulled her to me in a hug.

"Nope, can't say that I do know. I've never tried the stuff myself."

I grinned and she giggled, then we both laid back on the bed together, side by side.

I placed my hand on her smooth, pale belly and gently stroked up and down.

"So you really like doing this sort of thing?"

She nodded, hugging my other arm.

"Think you're ready for a turn now?"

In answer, she spread her legs and I obligingly slid my hand down there.

Anonymous 14/04/13(Sun)02:17 No. 21539

Enjoyable, can't wait for part II. Such a tease, splitting it in half like that...

Anonymous 14/04/14(Mon)08:13 No. 21544


why OP, why did you split it in two parts!?

Anonymous 14/04/14(Mon)09:18 No. 21545

You are the most magnificent bastard, I need more!

Anonymous 14/04/16(Wed)08:17 No. 21554

I don't want to sound like a jerk, but am I the only one getting tired of the "I'm going to hell for this" joke?

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 14/04/17(Thu)07:07 No. 21562


I believe I already explained why. :-p

Anonymous 14/04/17(Thu)17:35 No. 21566

It's getting kind of stale, yeah.

Anonymous 14/04/19(Sat)09:23 No. 21574


I know why you're doing it, but it was kinda short. Not really long enough to fap to. While I can appreciate building suspense, I'm sad panda for waiting longer for part two of this post. :(

Please, make my weiner happy.

Anonymous 14/04/19(Sat)20:56 No. 21576

Yeah, feels like it's getting a bit stale. I understand the slow pace and the build up, but this felt like filler. Not a lot of originality, basically a repeat of an earlier chapter in an effort to segway into what I assume will finally be the reciprocation to her. While it's not bad, it's definitely not on par with the rest of the story thus far. And while I understand it was meant to be a "teaser" it came off more as a disappointment. For it to have been a true teaser, I feel like more efforts should have been out in.

Anonymous 14/04/19(Sat)23:16 No. 21578

Well, you can't really know that. We have no idea what is in store. Granted, she will more then likely go a little further this time, we have no idea just HOW far that is. Not to mention the whole drops leading to a flood thing that was mentioned earlier in the story. That's just my opinion though, I'm not trying to call anyone an asshole. In any case, I have no problems with the writing, I think it's great OP!!.

Anonymous 14/04/21(Mon)23:13 No. 21588

I keep checking back here every day for part two....

Anonymous 14/04/22(Tue)06:00 No. 21590


Anonymous 14/04/22(Tue)08:47 No. 21591


Anonymous 14/04/22(Tue)08:52 No. 21592

What was the other story he said he was working on?

Anonymous 14/04/22(Tue)19:32 No. 21593

Thanks, OP. Don't be discouraged by some of the criticism here, you should focus on whatever is happening in your life. An untroubled OP is a good OP.

Also, don't die. Please.

not+op 14/04/24(Thu)09:28 No. 21600


Anonymous 14/04/25(Fri)03:56 No. 21607

You know what I just realized. This fucker hasn't even KISSED her yet! (on the lips of course.)

Anonymous 14/04/28(Mon)06:23 No. 21636


So does he have the next part ready and just isn't posting, or... what?

Anonymous 14/04/28(Mon)07:55 No. 21638

That sums up the situation nicely.

Anonymous 14/04/28(Mon)18:07 No. 21642

In other words: Yes.

Anonymous 14/04/28(Mon)20:00 No. 21643

Honesty, who WOULDN'T get a kick out of making their fans wait? NO ONE, that's who. That is the way that writers work, have worked, and always WILL work.

There was no offence Anonymous 14/04/29(Tue)02:47 No. 21646

I wasn't saying that the story isn't good. I was just offering constructive criticism. Believe it or not that is what makes a good writer. He has had tons of positive feedback and with that he has continued on using things that we have all express positive feedback to. While negative feedback may not be as easy to hear, it is equally as important. Maybe I represent the minority, or maybe there are others that agree. Maybe even OP to some extent and with that information goes in to produce an amazing next chapter.

Anonymous 14/04/30(Wed)08:09 No. 21651

I've been a vocal supporter of this story since the first chapter, and I'm with this guy.

Anonymous 14/05/01(Thu)06:47 No. 21668

I don't think there is any harm in giving constructive criticism. Anyone who is ready to show other people their work needs to be ready to hear ways that they can improve. My big issue is that I'd like so see more, because the last section was very, very short. It's good stuff, but it was barely enough to fap to.

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 14/05/04(Sun)10:47 No. 21678

Sorry, having to rewrite the second half of this chapter because of how terrible it turned out.

Also, not very motivated to do much of anything lately.

Anonymous 14/05/04(Sun)11:16 No. 21679

op pls

Anonymous 14/05/05(Mon)04:17 No. 21688


we all understand nuclear winter is rough, OP, but you're busting our balls here

Anonymous 14/05/05(Mon)18:30 No. 21690

Technically, we are bustin HIS balls about not writing.

Anonymous 14/05/06(Tue)06:05 No. 21699

anyday now

Anonymous 14/05/08(Thu)05:43 No. 21702

Give him some time. He was at least nice enough to post here, and tell us that he's working on a revision.

Personally, I'm happy for that. I felt the last part of the story was a bit too short, and felt slightly rushed, (despite the wait). I think that this is a pivotal point in the story, and it deserves the attention that the author is willing to put in it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm just as eager to read the next post as everyone else. But I think we should be a little more supportive.

Anonymous 14/05/09(Fri)21:25 No. 21710

Yeah, op, don't die.

Anonymous 14/05/16(Fri)09:49 No. 21777

Back to the front

Anonymous 14/05/20(Tue)02:25 No. 21797

A bump, for great justice!

Anonymous 14/05/20(Tue)06:28 No. 21800

OP is a kill.

Ded thread.

Anonymous 14/05/21(Wed)07:20 No. 21805


Anonymous 14/05/23(Fri)04:44 No. 21814

anyday now

Anonymous 14/05/25(Sun)19:32 No. 21826

MUH duck

Anonymous 14/05/26(Mon)00:36 No. 21830

I'm starting to think OP is dead...

Anonymous 14/06/01(Sun)21:00 No. 21865

I have faith in OP

OP!!N5AGt2ZzMv 14/06/02(Mon)00:15 No. 21866

OP is not dead; yet.

Day 15,874. The wasteland has come alive with the undead and mutants, with no lolis at my disposal I am finding myself outmatched.

Anonymous 14/06/02(Mon)06:49 No. 21870

You've been in the wasteland 43 years and almost 6 months. When's the next chapter going to be up?

Anonymous 14/06/04(Wed)16:38 No. 21888

Half tempted to take this one up myself.

Anonymous 14/06/05(Thu)02:32 No. 21899

lol, the author still writes. gtfo

Anonymous 14/06/13(Fri)07:35 No. 21935

Naw, the author says he writes. Until he drops the next chapter, it's just an assumption. So yeah, take it and run with it. Something is better than nothing. Even if it isn't on par with what is written so far. The sad truth is that this thread is likely to dry up and die before OP ever finishes, so someone take it and do it justice. OP had his chance.

Anonymous 14/06/14(Sat)01:31 No. 21937


yeah, how about no? go fuck yourself

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