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Anonymous 22/12/22(Thu)23:52 No. 27754 ID: 59c671

Pls im in need of cookies i still haven't read it in over 10 years but it was sexual awakening. If anyone can fine A Clockwork Corpse' story "cookies", please link.

Stonebrow!AN26.8FkH6 22/12/30(Fri)01:13 No. 27764 ID: 473652

This should be cookies. the format probably sucks cause I just copy pasted the text off of clockwork corpses' original html from when it was posted here. clockwork corpse did good stuff, though I haven't reread it in ages. I have crazy on you, collared, and vampire, as well.

no file types supported? seriously? when did that happen?


password: cookies

Anonymous 23/02/05(Sun)00:35 No. 27813 ID: 04ad19

ASSTR is back online at time of writing.

Anonymous 23/02/23(Thu)17:57 No. 27820 ID: 18f491

Seeing Roommates again reminded me of a story I cannot find, I would love it if you could help

The general outline is the same, a dude lives with or very close to another person and a girl that isn't main character's responsibility. The scene I remember most clearly is the main character spanking the girl for smoking (some/all?) of his marijuana

Anonymous 23/02/24(Fri)19:35 No. 27822 ID: 18f491

it was >>23514

Anonymous 23/03/16(Thu)16:20 No. 27835 ID: 724220

I was curious if you know the name of the story posted either on here or alt sex stories website that goes like this:

Zombie apocalypse comes but only turns men, women get transformed into their younger selves and their brains start changing. The main character is a guy who is immune and gets a party of girls. It is quite a long story that has a sad ending.

The main girl is a blonde, and the second is an Asian scientist who tries to figure out a cure.

I spent ages finding it and could not, I also chose not to post this on /elit/ as each post pushes out a great story.

Anonymous 23/04/11(Tue)03:30 No. 27847 ID: 1819eb


Anonymous 23/04/11(Tue)03:32 No. 27848 ID: 1819eb

Series is called new world order

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