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lost fic Anonymous 14/08/03(Sun)17:14 No. 22171 ID: 72d310

a few weeks/month ago a read a fic on http://www.mcstories.com about a female teacher who complains to the headmaster that her students continuously change her look and their mental state with their godlike abilities. I can`t remember the title nor the autor, so I thought maybe one of you knows what the name and the author of this story is and where I can find it.

INFO Request Anonymous 14/08/12(Tue)03:47 No. 22246 ID: 14beac

Hi, 7chan

i hope one of you guys can help me out, there is a story i thought/think was on either literotica or asstr but i cant seem to find it and dont recall either title or author sense it has been at least a year sense i read it and only read it once. i can however mention a few things that may shake some info loose.
it starts with a guy (17maybe) that lives with his 2 sisters in a house to themselves in middle america in the woods(not super rich but well off) due to mom being dead i think and dad works far away so have it to themselves one he has feelings for(15-16) and the other much younger one(12ish) he has them for later when she gets a look at what he does to the older sis...um...at some point he pulls 1-2 of the older ones friends into the web of smut, and later while tryin to disown his father he draws the female guardian that lives in a house on the property into the web also and maybe her duaghter?...not sure..
i also recall that guy in town got insulter or beat up by somebody in the house and he started stalking one of the girls till he saw the other then got to creeping around the house at night till he got caught and ended up shot in the leg stabbed i think andbeat up a bit by a pool that was used for more "girl-friend only" pool parties which some of ended up in his collection...not a harem story per say b/c they never marry i dont think but he endeds up owning the house and gets a lot of cash to boot and i think at the end and a couple yrs later after sending the older ones out he bangs the younger sis after she aged a bit think she was 15ish by then...

a little of that might be out of order
but that all i got, hope you guys can help :-)

ps: sorry for over long post but ive been pokin around for this for a couple weeks with no luck and only description i had.

Anonymous 14/08/13(Wed)05:11 No. 22252 ID: ef41a5

https://web.archive.org/web/20111126224045/http://7chan.org/elit/res/12666.html# It took hours of digging but I managed to find it for all of you Cookies fans.

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