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Anonymous 14/04/03(Thu)02:54 No. 21473 ID: feea57

Looking for 2 /d/-ish stories a read a couple of years ago, I can't remember the site they were hosted on (I semi-regularly visit Literotica, overflowing bra and transformation archives, can't remember the fourth)

One was an unbirth themed story which involved the girls in a school learning to unbirth things to heal them in their wombs or something, the protagonist is a guy who has to help the teacher out (she unbirths him in the first chapter but lets him out eventually IRC). Eventually ends up in some sort of weird 3 way relationship with teacher and his crush who attends the class.

Second one was a weight gain story involving a girl who I think was called Chloe voluntarily getting a weight gain spell cast on her by a gypsy, so she puts on instant growth when she eats, but it only when her boyfriend feeds her. Eventually goes from skinny to overly voluptuous and I think they visit restaurants, the beach and vacation at a summer home.

If anyone can help with either and/or knows the name of the website they were hosted on, I'd be very grateful.

Anonymous 14/04/07(Mon)02:08 No. 21497 ID: 76745f

Does anyone have the my two mommies story that was posted on here a while ago?

Nanapriss 14/04/16(Wed)13:06 No. 21556 ID: 58b3b2

Hello everyone, I am looking for a story that use to be on Guro-chan. It was called Bounty Hunter Fel. I am hoping that someone saved this story and can post all the parts to it. Thank You.

sorcerer 14/04/17(Thu)10:34 No. 21565 ID: c91775

Where would you folks recommend I post my completed stories? I like posting them on boards like this as I write them, but I need a place to showcase completed work. Any suggestions?

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