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/di/ - Sexy Beautiful Traps

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Rules & Requests Femcock Enjoyer ## Mod ## 11/10/20(Thu)16:18 No. 60866 Stickied

File 131912031544.jpg - (8.19KB , 259x194 , She's actually a guy.jpg )

After a bit of toying with the system, we feel like we've come to a point where everything is where it should be, but just so it's clarified:

1) "Who is this?" "Source" "Moar?" etc.. Go in this thread. Only reply to this thread if you have something to contribute.

2) All new threads require at least three relevant images; anything less will be considered a request and will be subject to deletion and banning. Relevant conversation threads are exempt from this rule.

3) Use the Report button and the Hide Thread feature. No flaming, bitching about board appropriate content, hook-up threads or furry content is allowed. Reverse Traps are allowed.

4) Make sure you're posting on the right board. Cross-dressers go to /cd/, men go to /men/, women go to /s/.

Update: 5) All video download links should be posted in the video links sticky. Having 4 separate threads for downloads is a waste.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/02(Wed)13:34 No. 73381

File 133595843951.jpg - (144.47KB , 742x966 , cris_lautaro_by_ion_avi.jpg )

>>73378 here

DON'T DOWNLOAD FROM THAT LINK, it's in 4 parts and the upload site makes you wait hours after downloading something (sorry mods, didn't notice till i tried to download it myself later on)

i found the whole video but it was on the same trash site so i uploaded it to rapidshare:


it's foreign (argentina?), good sex scenes imo, worth a fap

Trans from usa yodawg 12/05/02(Wed)23:01 No. 73391

who is this

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/02(Wed)23:13 No. 73392

Does anyone have this video? It used to be on Oron as "TattooTG" about six months ago, but the link is dead.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/04(Fri)00:34 No. 73428

File 133608447639.jpg - (310.68KB , 1056x1408 , 634613311.jpg )


You're welcome.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/05(Sat)06:31 No. 73469

File 133619228295.jpg - (28.11KB , 560x358 , 1336180453066.jpg )

I heard there was a whole set. Anyone have a name?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/07(Mon)07:30 No. 73572

File 13363686261.gif - (1.82MB , 250x188 , 1336344913228.gif )

sauce! 1,000,000 internets to anyone with the answer

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/08(Tue)12:10 No. 73620

File 13364717749.gif - (1.66MB , 270x204 , 1336462966878.gif )

Does anyone know the source to this?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/08(Tue)19:49 No. 73632

File 133649935268.jpg - (71.04KB , 762x712 , 1336388188586[1].jpg )

Name? Sauce?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/09(Wed)21:04 No. 73680

File 133659026259.jpg - (185.62KB , 853x1280 , sascha1002.jpg )

anyone have some of her sets?

danni 12/05/10(Thu)21:32 No. 73742

File 13366783212.jpg - (238.38KB , 765x1024 , 108441653.jpg )

any idea who this is?

WHO IS SHE? Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/11(Fri)04:27 No. 73757

File 133670324223.jpg - (323.17KB , 800x600 , Trap who is she.jpg )

Does anyone have more of her?
I had a few pictures of her but i lost it

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/11(Fri)09:28 No. 73761

any ID on these gorgeous specimens?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/11(Fri)14:43 No. 73779

File 133674022591.png - (203.65KB , 616x470 , Tarps.png )

suspected trap anyone got sauce of this set?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/11(Fri)17:15 No. 73784

Name? Sauce?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/12(Sat)10:55 No. 73824

File 133681294976.jpg - (32.22KB , 502x378 , 1.jpg )

http://www.ashemaletube.com/videos/69480/big-dildo-in-ass-compilation.html - the fourth minute. Who is it?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/12(Sat)13:42 No. 73830

File 133682294612.jpg - (159.11KB , 1000x718 , 0508874305.jpg )


Searching for this JGpe 12/05/13(Sun)01:54 No. 73864

File 133686689477.jpg - (119.67KB , 640x480 , trap 1234769438176 (2).jpg )

Any more pics of this?

The video maybe?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/13(Sun)02:36 No. 73865

File 133686936729.jpg - (1.83MB , 1916x1436 , 1327409472481.jpg )

Here's what I have. If there's a video I'd be interested as well.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/13(Sun)05:44 No. 73869

File 133688065687.jpg - (122.98KB , 729x1235 , 242_1000.jpg )


Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/15(Tue)15:26 No. 73952

File 133708837426.jpg - (69.41KB , 903x600 , 1657071075.jpg )

any info?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/16(Wed)07:18 No. 73987

File 13371455203.jpg - (71.36KB , 557x949 , tumblr_lybt2x5qCc1qexjmyo1_1280.jpg )

who's this?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/17(Thu)07:21 No. 74039

File 133723206419.jpg - (58.57KB , 500x735 , tumblr_m3dfae1VJi1r9s3ato1_500.jpg )

I know I've seen her before. What is her name?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/18(Fri)03:28 No. 74079

File 133730453638.jpg - (30.87KB , 300x300 , blondwig.jpg )

looking for a j pop / k pop star s/he wore this wig on jmelo, sorry thats all i got :(

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/19(Sat)02:16 No. 74141

File 13373865863.jpg - (54.54KB , 778x584 , 1189029875.jpg )

Who is she?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/19(Sat)07:22 No. 74163

File 133740496437.jpg - (80.74KB , 370x278 , 84_wmv_snapshot_00_16_[2011_06_05_23_35_05].jpg )

Anybody know who this is?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/22(Tue)00:43 No. 74273

File 133764021024.jpg - (87.52KB , 486x728 , tumblr_m46jocXNVH1rtz49xo1_500.jpg )

Who is any of these?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/22(Tue)04:44 No. 74289

File 133765469451.png - (261.30KB , 629x447 , Screen shot 2012-05-22 at 02_41_31.png )


who is dis?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/22(Tue)07:14 No. 74297

File 133766366324.jpg - (66.27KB , 400x600 , 13177983877[1].jpg )

ID for this one please

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/22(Tue)10:19 No. 74300

File 133767477857.jpg - (110.18KB , 747x1024 , 321.jpg )

Who is that?
(Is it fake? Even if it is I still would like to know)

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/23(Wed)09:48 No. 74335

File 133775929378.png - (754.41KB , 650x826 , Goth-chan[1].png )


Russian crossdresser from http://2ch.so/fg/

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/23(Wed)18:13 No. 74354

File 133778962652.jpg - (267.61KB , 1000x750 , tumblr_m3ey26dFZn1rpw0ato1_1280.jpg )

who is this babe?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/24(Thu)18:40 No. 74410

anyone know who this is? I know there were a bunch of videos on motherless of her.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/26(Sat)12:44 No. 74471

any idea who this is?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/29(Tue)19:35 No. 74609

File 13383129199.jpg - (13.67KB , 227x339 , 1.jpg )

Who is this?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/31(Thu)01:02 No. 74647

File 133841893722.gif - (1.83MB , 320x240 , lotiontrap3.gif )

full vid?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/31(Thu)23:51 No. 74682

File 133850108056.jpg - (157.90KB , 600x800 , 1265119319633 (2).jpg )

here is noise

Femcock Enjoyer 12/06/01(Fri)21:36 No. 74695

File 133857937392.jpg - (79.99KB , 1024x768 , 1338567348265.jpg )

who is this goddess

Femcock Enjoyer 12/06/02(Sat)21:09 No. 74736

File 133866417517.jpg - (1.14MB , 3275x2456 , DSCF0024.jpg )

does anyone know who this chick is?

Monsoon Dennis 12/06/03(Sun)02:37 No. 74746

She goes by Cindy and Sindy, and I am having a difficult time locating downloads of her videos or photosets. Does anyone have more or can find some/all?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/06/03(Sun)08:17 No. 74758

Source of the vid would be nice but mostly after the name of this one.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/06/04(Mon)00:04 No. 74810

File 133876108490.jpg - (94.75KB , 666x999 , pic.jpg )


Femcock Enjoyer 12/06/04(Mon)04:50 No. 74815

File 133877821353.jpg - (44.73KB , 590x793 , 932157076.jpg )

Anyone know who this is?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/06/04(Mon)08:53 No. 74820

File 133879281424.jpg - (111.32KB , 318x458 , 1338784534145.jpg )

I need to see more of whoever this is

Mandy Mitchell and Proxy Paige Femcock Enjoyer 12/06/04(Mon)10:17 No. 74822

File 133879783626.jpg - (75.76KB , 1024x576 , 11-01.jpg )

Does ANYONE have this? I've been searching hard for this one.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/06/05(Tue)15:13 No. 74865

File 133890202539.jpg - (178.86KB , 1024x678 , 1329770062912.jpg )

who's dis?

Who is this (and where)? ggold 12/06/10(Sun)16:52 No. 75062

File 13393399571.jpg - (52.42KB , 378x725 , 130231837827.jpg )

Femcock Enjoyer 12/06/11(Mon)23:41 No. 75170

File 133945091562.jpg - (97.01KB , 653x490 , 13319298259609.jpg )


Forgot pic.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/06/12(Tue)22:00 No. 75218

File 133953123266.jpg - (110.15KB , 450x675 , o7ytjsrd.jpg )

looking for name of this one.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/06/13(Wed)00:42 No. 75229

Any ID on these?

Free source plz joephant 12/06/13(Wed)00:47 No. 75230

I know she's from imlive name, prncessdelight, and these pics are too small, but I guarantee you it is worth your search and if someone could find the videos, I would be eternally grateful. Also, she has a short preview video you can watch, but you can't view it from her profile page and its way too short.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/06/14(Thu)12:15 No. 75330

is this real?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/06/14(Thu)19:43 No. 75345

File 133969580113.jpg - (10.27KB , 240x180 , 2727.jpg )

Not sure if this really counts as a request, but I thought I'd post it in this thread to be safe:

I really like scenes with shemales getting blowjobs, but they tend to just be the preamble before fucking, and they usually tend to end with the shemale jerking off on the guy's chest instead of giving a good old fashioned open mouth cumshot.

What I'm looking for is a site that produces mainly videos of shemales getting blown to completion, preferably with good cumshots. Does anyone know of a site/movie series producing such content?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/06/14(Thu)22:06 No. 75349

File 133970441299.jpg - (119.00KB , 1280x720 , default.jpg )

Wait, does this site just offer the suck my tranny cock dvd series as downloads, or are they producing new content? Either way, ~30 USD is pretty well worth DRM-free SMTC 1-8. Looks like you get access to shemale strokers, too. Any opinion of this site? I don't think I've seen much content from them.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/06/14(Thu)23:39 No. 75352

File 133970996953.jpg - (80.22KB , 816x576 , 1336757355400.jpg )

< sauce?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/06/16(Sat)05:39 No. 75418

i've seen these two in different places, names?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/06/16(Sat)20:30 No. 75442

File 133987145085.jpg - (61.79KB , 500x667 , tumblr_lujx2n8ToZ1ql1cmio1_500.jpg )

Name or more of her?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/06/19(Tue)01:21 No. 75568

Anyone have a link to Besuni's xvideo (maybe xtube) account?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/06/22(Fri)01:56 No. 75722

File 134032295725.gif - (3.90MB , 320x240 , 0517540599.gif )

Can someone PLEASE tell me who this is?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/06/23(Sat)01:50 No. 75766

File 134040902083.jpg - (495.52KB , 1280x960 , 1340404198082[1].jpg )

Who is this beautiful creature?

Hot red head Femcock Enjoyer 12/06/24(Sun)04:17 No. 75825

File 134050426417.jpg - (848.50KB , 2452x3084 , 163539139.jpg )

Who is this beauty?

trap? Femcock Enjoyer 12/06/24(Sun)06:24 No. 75832

who is this and is she a trap?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/06/24(Sun)09:52 No. 75835

File 134052435468.jpg - (167.00KB , 1280x1024 , 1324453215.jpg )

anyone got an id on this girl

Femcock Enjoyer 12/06/26(Tue)06:55 No. 75956

File 134068654025.png - (143.52KB , 441x352 , 1274425102509.png )

Hey guys. I'm looking for a video I saw awhile ago that I really want to see again.

I think it was on ashemaletube. Basically, it is a short video of a trap getting fucked over some exercise equipment by a huge muscley man. Then the trap is taken aside in front of a mirror and sucks his cock like a champ, before pulling away and opening her mouth wide while he finishes himself off.

Any help finding this would be greatly appreciated. Pic obviously unrelated.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/06/26(Tue)20:14 No. 75975

File 134073449571.jpg - (69.44KB , 716x535 , 62217819.jpg )


Not sure if trap, but cute nonetheless.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/06/28(Thu)04:35 No. 76035

File 134085090599.jpg - (115.99KB , 838x559 , 1337152746882.jpg )

Thanks. I'll let you know if I come across it.

I think there are also videos of the same girl getting fucked on a kitchen bench and in the back of a van. I'm trying tonnes of search queries on AST but getting nothing.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/07/01(Sun)06:29 No. 76156

File 13411169295.gif - (2.16MB , 280x210 , 123550101.gif )

Can anyone ID this one. Dont mind the troll cat part.
Looks like might
be from one of those cam sites like livejasmine.

Anyone got more of her Femcock Enjoyer 12/07/03(Tue)17:55 No. 76252

her name is TS Jane Marie, @tsjanemarie... she is hot, trying to find videos but can't find a decent xxx torrent site

Femcock Enjoyer 12/07/05(Thu)09:33 No. 76366

Supposedly a trap. I'm going to need a name.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/07/06(Fri)09:26 No. 76468

File 134155956279.jpg - (151.62KB , 1200x1600 , 1341321093671[1].jpg )

Name? Sauce?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/07/12(Thu)21:56 No. 76741

File 134212296241.jpg - (36.64KB , 480x640 , tumblr_m6ybsl5y0n1qajca4o1_500.jpg )

Femcock Enjoyer 12/07/12(Thu)22:30 No. 76742

File 134212501336.jpg - (101.16KB , 496x750 , 1342117461652.jpg )


Femcock Enjoyer 12/07/14(Sat)11:15 No. 76772

File 134225731647.png - (522.97KB , 627x442 , Untitled.png )

Name, source, anything on the picture. I know the video in question, but it's just a slideshow of pictures.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/07/15(Sun)13:19 No. 76803

File 13423511811.jpg - (85.83KB , 1023x1364 , 133817374864.jpg )

name please

help Femcock Enjoyer 12/07/15(Sun)14:57 No. 76807

File 134235705488.jpg - (3.76KB , 200x150 , 5798961.jpg )

name / moar pretty plz?
thanks in advance

Femcock Enjoyer 12/07/17(Tue)18:45 No. 76856

File 134254351274.jpg - (197.09KB , 1023x756 , 789108498.jpg )

Femcock Enjoyer 12/07/20(Fri)03:33 No. 76922

File 134274800064.jpg - (73.46KB , 427x640 , Maiden Heaven, Beautiful Canadian TGirl! 16th Marc.jpg )

does anyone have videos of Maiden Heaven? would be grateful

Femcock Enjoyer 12/07/23(Mon)05:59 No. 77006

Are there any download links available for Stefanie (from germany)?

I've got a fair selection; kitchen, back of van, bed, couch etc.

There doesn't happen to be a comprehensive collection does there?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/07/23(Mon)14:19 No. 77029

File 134304599456.jpg - (290.32KB , 1080x1626 , 4f4552f2b487b-full-4[1].jpg )



Femcock Enjoyer 12/07/23(Mon)17:14 No. 77057

File 134305649927.jpg - (40.69KB , 534x500 , 1343036796592[1].jpg )

Sauce/name, please.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/07/23(Mon)21:11 No. 77073

File 134307066660.jpg - (5.45KB , 200x150 , am.jpg )

more of this one

Femcock Enjoyer 12/07/24(Tue)10:48 No. 77091

File 13431196878.jpg - (623.30KB , 1024x768 , 1343119186642.jpg )

Any more pics like this? I find it really hot.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/07/25(Wed)15:39 No. 77122

File 134322359489.jpg - (410.90KB , 800x600 , 1242496703857.jpg )

Anybody have any info/news about this one? I think she went by the name "Chloe" ... thanks in advance!

Femcock Enjoyer 12/07/27(Fri)01:57 No. 77146

File 134334703285.jpg - (19.35KB , 410x328 , bwpic_php.jpg )

1) "Who is this?" "Source" "Moar?" etc.. Go in this thread. Only reply to this thread if you have something to contribute.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/07/28(Sat)20:10 No. 77209


Been over a month so you might have stopped checking, but that is Umichan, or maybe just Umi

She was on 4chan a while ago and joined a video chat so she is still active. I know she cams somewhere and posts her contact info still, but I wasn't able to find anything.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/07/28(Sat)20:34 No. 77211

Who is this? I have 9 pictures but I hope there is more.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/07/30(Mon)16:38 No. 77272

same girl

Anyone know who she is or have more?
set here http://www.imagefap.com/photo/661048602/1338916575551.png#0

Femcock Enjoyer 12/07/31(Tue)03:59 No. 77279

File 134369994558.png - (403.29KB , 1221x447 , 1334917751139.png )


Femcock Enjoyer 12/08/01(Wed)10:24 No. 77330

File 134380948363.jpg - (56.05KB , 628x469 , 123456789.jpg )

Skip to 1:30

looking for more clips of him

A real long time ago someone posted a link to a forum with tons of mediafire links. There were quite a few videos of him. Would like to see if anyone knows about them.

pic related

Femcock Enjoyer 12/08/01(Wed)22:38 No. 77337

File 134385350447.png - (170.38KB , 519x462 , 844109748.png )

Got a name or more maybe?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/08/02(Thu)02:44 No. 77346

File 134386828277.jpg - (65.36KB , 668x497 , mysterytrap.jpg )

Anyone know the name of this girl, or have other vids/pics? She's the cutest trans I've seen so far.


Femcock Enjoyer 12/08/02(Thu)09:28 No. 77353

File 134389251662.jpg - (63.57KB , 541x720 , 1343889226451.jpg )

name please? thanks!

Femcock Enjoyer 12/08/05(Sun)18:55 No. 77446

File 134418574870.jpg - (54.30KB , 675x900 , 4332479vKHl[1].jpg )

Name? Sauce?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/08/06(Mon)22:04 No. 77485

File 134428348888.jpg - (340.27KB , 768x1024 , tumblr_m7gwndIPr61royhc0o1_1280.jpg )


Femcock Enjoyer 12/08/07(Tue)04:54 No. 77492

File 134430806879.jpg - (50.25KB , 500x375 , ag5gmszluj4tc77bni0d.jpg )

Anyone have any videos or anything on her? she goes by _Amber on cam4!

Need to Know Femcock Enjoyer 12/08/07(Tue)05:40 No. 77494

Saw this on a board a couple of days ago and can't find a name... anyone know?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/08/12(Sun)09:19 No. 77593

File 134475594894.png - (596.28KB , 819x566 , 16253727.png )


Femcock Enjoyer 12/08/12(Sun)14:19 No. 77598

File 134477395730.jpg - (57.35KB , 600x450 , Cute_ - Imgur.jpg )

So i found this girl on reddit, uploaded by iamnotaclown...
does any one know her, or know of her?
i have fallen in love!
so i would like to know more! thanks.

Who is this? Lupe+Williams 12/08/12(Sun)16:31 No. 77599

File 134478186496.jpg - (6.33KB , 200x150 , ade764b4e6b404afdc0342fa5193f98f6_avi-200x150-3.jpg )

Who is this?

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