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/di/ - Sexy Beautiful Traps

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Rules & Requests Femcock Enjoyer ## Mod ## 11/10/20(Thu)16:18 No. 60866 Stickied

File 131912031544.jpg - (8.19KB , 259x194 , She's actually a guy.jpg )

After a bit of toying with the system, we feel like we've come to a point where everything is where it should be, but just so it's clarified:

1) "Who is this?" "Source" "Moar?" etc.. Go in this thread. Only reply to this thread if you have something to contribute.

2) All new threads require at least three relevant images; anything less will be considered a request and will be subject to deletion and banning. Relevant conversation threads are exempt from this rule.

3) Use the Report button and the Hide Thread feature. No flaming, bitching about board appropriate content, hook-up threads or furry content is allowed. Reverse Traps are allowed.

4) Make sure you're posting on the right board. Cross-dressers go to /cd/, men go to /men/, women go to /s/.

Update: 5) All video download links should be posted in the video links sticky. Having 4 separate threads for downloads is a waste.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/01/31(Tue)10:32 No. 64777

Fag Newton, again from Nofauxxx.


Femcock Enjoyer 12/01/31(Tue)10:39 No. 64779

In broadest trans = trap form, here's some more! Liam, also from Nofauxxx.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/01/31(Tue)10:43 No. 64781

Augh! Well, here's the accompanying DDL link:


Femcock Enjoyer 12/01/31(Tue)10:49 No. 64782

Well, I seem to have lost this set, sadly.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/01/31(Tue)10:56 No. 64784

Next one is Tom and Huck. Last I've got from the site.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/01/31(Tue)11:01 No. 64785

File 132800409569.jpg - (86.30KB , 640x480 , 120902_6162.jpg )

Forgot my link again. Probably should be sleeping.


Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/01(Wed)16:46 No. 64863

File 132811112589.gif - (3.07MB , 300x220 , 1326690457138.gif )

source please!

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/01(Wed)16:49 No. 64864

File 132811127793.gif - (3.77MB , 223x165 , 1326736520684.gif )


Jess Vid xWhiteRiderx 12/02/03(Fri)12:39 No. 64977

File 132826915057.jpg - (108.32KB , 1021x731 , Jpmtz.jpg )

Hey /di/
I was wondering if anyone had the vid of Jess when she was in boymode blowing some guy. I've heard people talk about it quite a bit recently, and thought you peeps might know something.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/03(Fri)17:25 No. 64979

File 132828630748.jpg - (136.53KB , 768x1024 , 1316432454234s.jpg )


this jess?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/05(Sun)00:32 No. 65028

File 132839832021.jpg - (193.22KB , 765x1280 , 1324360214786.jpg )

your proof sir?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/05(Sun)04:58 No. 65034

anybody knows who this it? Posted on /b a few days ago.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/06(Mon)22:10 No. 65088

File 132856261074.jpg - (91.55KB , 639x479 , 1328549292001.jpg )

Requesting more of her. A google image search takes me back to this place, but the thread was apparently deleted.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/09(Thu)05:56 No. 65191

any info on those two would be appreciated, thx

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/09(Thu)07:08 No. 65193

File 132876773029.jpg - (28.07KB , 640x480 , gingerbush69.jpg )

The one on the left can be found here:

@cam4: http://www.cam4.com/gingerbush69
@camfuze: http://www.camfuze.com/alizered

Haven't seen her on CamFuze for some time. But she is on Cam4 on a regular basis. She lives in Boston.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/09(Thu)12:35 No. 65199

File 132878728311.gif - (1.11MB , 200x151 , shemale sucking.gif )

name please

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/10(Fri)09:13 No. 65256

File 13288616023.jpg - (79.97KB , 440x1624 , Camshow_001.jpg )

Was on 4gifs a day or two ago, but with no sauce. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SAUCE (please >.<)

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/10(Fri)11:50 No. 65259

File 132887100329.jpg - (150.93KB , 600x450 , 1310835632317.jpg )


Cloe Lawlor

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/11(Sat)00:02 No. 65270

She used to have an account at XTube under the name summerseve.
But she cancelled it and got rid of her blog as well recently.
She has also been known as:
Barb E. Dahl (BarbEDahl)

Here is a vid of her at xHamster:

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/11(Sat)19:20 No. 65289

File 132898441784.jpg - (791.55KB , 2048x1536 , 1327167483657.jpg )

any one know who this is?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/16(Thu)02:05 No. 65454

File 132935433075.jpg - (56.54KB , 672x540 , picture.jpg )

Can anyone name the amazing blonde model in this video?


chrisowens90 12/02/16(Thu)20:51 No. 65473

File 132942187719.gif - (3.97MB , 418x557 , 130859289513.gif )

Please please please tell me who this is?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/17(Fri)06:46 No. 65488

File 132945760597.jpg - (80.48KB , 732x548 , sis.jpg )


Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/19(Sun)02:23 No. 65597

File 132961460174.jpg - (110.62KB , 800x600 , 1692753088.jpg )

Anyone know who this is? I think she used to post here, but I forgot the name.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/21(Tue)16:23 No. 65805

Sauce on these 3 would make my year.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/21(Tue)19:53 No. 65828

File 132985043785.jpg - (46.88KB , 500x752 , camilla rodriguez.jpg )

1st one might be Camilla Rodriguez (see pic)
2nd one I am pretty sure is a photoshopped picture of Lexi Belle

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/22(Wed)04:53 No. 65863

File 132988278359.jpg - (1.45MB , 1274x1993 , 1321691487584.jpg )

The first one is 100% Camilla Rodriguez, if you search a little, you will find the whole set quite easily.
"fairly certain the first ones a photoshop"
It really get's on my nerves! People! This is a request thread. Here come people who are desperate, because they searched everywhere but found nothing. You have to help them. If you mislead them even more instead, then that's VERY bad. If you're not 100% sure, then don't say something, or say that "I'm not sure".
Also EVERYONE have this pic.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/24(Fri)03:57 No. 65963

anybody know this hot trap?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/24(Fri)09:22 No. 65976

File 133007172528.gif - (2.00MB , 268x248 , She-shaved-it-smooth.gif )

Even better, why don't I upload the animiated version rather than a damn thumbnail...

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/25(Sat)00:57 No. 66008

File 133012784674.jpg - (67.05KB , 375x500 , 1330113468811.jpg )

Omg guys look what I found. But I don't know if it's a trap or a girl. I assume it may be a trap because in her fotolog, it says "male". Is there any spanish speaking person around, or anyone else who may know her, to confirm trapness please? When this is answered, I'll delete it.
Here's the fotolog:

Homoslide ## Mod ## 12/02/25(Sat)02:24 No. 66012

File 133013305976.gif - (495.53KB , 500x302 , Screen Punch.gif )

I love you.

Guys I'm going to have to request that:
You don't ask for source if you're not sure the person is a trap.
You don't have conversation in this thread that helps nobody.
You don't make a request before having at least tried to look yourself.
& Finally don't make incredibly vague requests like "Blonde chick with hands on her hips", these are almost impossible to fill and they'll just be deleted.

Matt Rager 12/02/25(Sat)06:08 No. 66018

Here's what I have of Xue.

Now, I must know who the girl in my forth pic is!!!

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/25(Sat)17:08 No. 66030

File 133018612361.jpg - (4.73KB , 200x150 , 2429011.jpg )

Anyone got any more on her? pics, vids, anything? She goes by Kimberly18 on Cam4

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/26(Sun)02:18 No. 66056

File 133021911827.png - (481.25KB , 648x442 , unknownbeauty.png )


Hey if anyone knows the girl in this vid I'd be greatful

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/26(Sun)03:10 No. 66060

File 133022220680.jpg - (259.03KB , 600x480 , tumblrtrap.jpg )

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/27(Mon)00:10 No. 66084

File 133029781791.gif - (3.97MB , 385x281 , 1329948856634.gif )

Anyone have sauce on this?

Anonymous 12/02/27(Mon)22:37 No. 66097

File 133037862450.jpg - (1.42MB , 2592x1944 , 131000478776.jpg )

is this the same person? anyone know where i can find more of her?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/28(Tue)00:50 No. 66099

Hey guys great thread I'm wondering if you can help me out. Been looking for more of this girl, I'm told it's Vaniity from early days. I have a couple of pics of her (Vaniity) that might be early shots but not certain. I would love to see more of the first girl whomever she is. TIA this site rocks

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/28(Tue)01:37 No. 66102

Might anyone know the name of this dame?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/02/28(Tue)01:52 No. 66103


More pics...

Femcock Enjoyer 12/03/01(Thu)01:09 No. 66185

File 133056054240.jpg - (612.20KB , 1500x2000 , 046-un-0456.jpg )

anyone knows her name?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/03/03(Sat)13:20 No. 68814

File 133077724619.jpg - (43.87KB , 200x450 , side-bar.jpg )

Name, please!

Femcock Enjoyer 12/03/05(Mon)00:43 No. 70223

File 133090461534.jpg - (13.38KB , 253x254 , ak.jpg )

i came across this video, once i clicked on it it said it was already deleted, is there a way to find it?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/03/05(Mon)09:57 No. 70251

File 133093784543.jpg - (109.24KB , 1000x700 , omg.jpg )

can someone pleasseee tell me who this iss or where i can find a video?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/03/06(Tue)21:11 No. 70344

File 133106471753.jpg - (244.74KB , 800x728 , 1330808027130.jpg )

who is this?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/03/06(Tue)21:17 No. 70348

File 133106502380.jpg - (73.67KB , 640x480 , 865026602.jpg )

I need all of her!

Femcock Enjoyer 12/03/07(Wed)02:01 No. 70361

Whos this? I think she is just so cute! name or more info or pics prease? does she have a site or youtube or something?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/03/07(Wed)02:26 No. 70363

File 133108358319.gif - (1.91MB , 200x150 , 1330556699059.gif )



Femcock Enjoyer 12/03/07(Wed)17:02 No. 70396

File 133113616326.png - (451.64KB , 627x466 , untitled.png )

I...I think i'm in love, /di/.

who is this gorgeous creature?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/03/10(Sat)21:15 No. 70539

anyone know either of these two?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/03/13(Tue)06:20 No. 70672

File 133161603881.jpg - (232.47KB , 854x1280 , chloe1098.jpg )

I know this is Chloe, and I know she was on Shemaleyum, what I don't know is where can I find more?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/03/14(Wed)14:50 No. 70730

Name? Moar? Sauce?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/03/15(Thu)04:01 No. 70775

File 133178047169.png - (0.99MB , 500x707 , tumblr_m0unpsQyel1r5tjogo1_500[1].png )

Anybody sauce on this one?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/03/15(Thu)22:06 No. 70814

File 133184554288.gif - (3.48MB , 400x308 , Paulacali19.gif )

anymore of this its name is Paulacali19

Femcock Enjoyer 12/03/15(Thu)22:28 No. 70818

I've seen these two before, anybody know names?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/03/17(Sat)17:43 No. 71219

File 133200258224.jpg - (227.83KB , 1024x682 , 1572611301.jpg )

seen her around, name/sauce/anything?

Herp derp 12/03/19(Mon)13:31 No. 71298

File 133216031978.jpg - (44.65KB , 401x299 , violet.jpg )

I have almost been crazy for a couple of months, and the reason is that I cannot find out who the gal in the pic is!

Goddess Violet sucking

Goddess Violet playing around

Goddess Violet sucking and fucking

Also, do anyone happen to know who this is?
Cuttie show tits and ass

And lastly, a clip posted a few days ago, would be awesome if there was more :D

Femcock Enjoyer 12/03/20(Tue)09:54 No. 71367

File 133223365551.jpg - (28.48KB , 240x180 , amatuer fuck in gym.jpg )

i knoow this is a longshot but does anyone know where this screencap is from? it was on ashemale tube a wile ago under the name amatuer fuck in gym
it was a almost passible girl with boobs, getting fucked on a exercise bike. thanks

Femcock Enjoyer 12/03/21(Wed)02:36 No. 71398

File 133229378376.jpg - (33.47KB , 640x429 , 279001022.jpg )

anybody know anything about her? all I know is that at one point she went by Kylie, and I think she started crossdressing for a photography class or something. She used to have a flickr but it's deleted now ):

Femcock Enjoyer 12/03/24(Sat)14:27 No. 71518

whos this? more?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/03/25(Sun)09:17 No. 71534

File 133265987475.jpg - (99.10KB , 1024x682 , pics07.jpg )

who dis? :)

Femcock Enjoyer 12/03/27(Tue)00:28 No. 71611

File 133280092081.jpg - (130.70KB , 1750x700 , 1332618295298.jpg )


Femcock Enjoyer 12/03/31(Sat)09:34 No. 71892

File 133317929026.jpg - (64.87KB , 464x618 , 1115676654[1].jpg )

Name? Sause? Moar?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/01(Sun)01:04 No. 71926

File 133323509074.png - (109.49KB , 200x300 , 564646634.png )


Good lord, Domino Presley is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! Anybody got a torrent of her from The Next She-male Idol Scene #2 (it's scene 4 she's in)??

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/01(Sun)11:06 No. 71960

File 133327119344.jpg - (192.59KB , 1280x960 , 1333265435709[1].jpg )

Sauce, plz,

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/03(Tue)12:20 No. 72098

File 13334484181.jpg - (473.03KB , 1141x1024 , 1333443967233.jpg )


Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/03(Tue)21:40 No. 72110

File 133348203098.jpg - (201.37KB , 1024x1862 , 46431_FrenchSheMaleOrgy_123_68lo.jpg )

Has Devon Delirium done any hardcore videos yet?

I'm also looking for this video. I saw it on fetishbb.org but the link was dead when I found it.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/04(Wed)00:14 No. 72121

File 133349125997.jpg - (38.55KB , 666x497 , Untitled.jpg )


Video: http://www.ashemaletube.com/videos/58059/webcam-shemale-cuties-show.html

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/05(Thu)22:16 No. 72324

File 133365701783.jpg - (106.55KB , 1200x1600 , 6.jpg )

who's this? i've seen her picture on crossdresser/trap galleries before

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/06(Fri)22:16 No. 72370

who is this? sauce % moaar!!
thank you in advance!

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/07(Sat)04:23 No. 72377

File 133376541550.jpg - (61.22KB , 399x600 , tumblr_lga5hrpLUE1qbg01lo1_400.jpg )

who is this goddess

sorry i clicked submit before added it.

found it on this tumblr.


Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/07(Sat)06:22 No. 72381

File 133377255592.jpg - (185.13KB , 1600x1200 , SDC18227[1].jpg )



Giselly Soares.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/08(Sun)00:21 No. 72410

Any idea of a name?

The web link gives nothing

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/08(Sun)16:29 No. 72433

File 133389537611.jpg - (12.83KB , 480x320 , 152359_509.jpg )

Any ideas who this is?


Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/09(Mon)04:34 No. 72471

File 133393886052.jpg - (35.87KB , 376x500 , 1800506006.jpg )

any idea who this is?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/09(Mon)05:18 No. 72474

File 133394144039.gif - (2.16MB , 243x182 , 1329143848803.gif )

Source for this would be greatly appreciated.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/10(Tue)06:06 No. 72525

File 133403078938.jpg - (36.84KB , 288x432 , 1464568334.jpg )

who is this?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/11(Wed)14:27 No. 72574

Any ID's?

whos this iloveblondes 12/04/13(Fri)22:29 No. 72673

File 133434898550.png - (560.55KB , 646x509 , HotBlonde.png )


pic related
Who's this?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/14(Sat)07:31 No. 72688

File 133438143251.gif - (3.16MB , 320x240 , 1333602281268.gif )

where is this from?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/14(Sat)21:50 No. 72732

Is there any more of her?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/14(Sat)22:19 No. 72733

File 133443478322.jpg - (127.03KB , 500x652 , OkBIG.jpg )

Anyone know her name and have a full set?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/15(Sun)13:57 No. 72775

Will suck dick for name (or for free).

Potentially not actually traps, but it was hinted they were.

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/17(Tue)03:28 No. 72840

File 133462608565.jpg - (177.82KB , 640x480 , 1328318794737.jpg )

Anyone got info on this one?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/18(Wed)17:37 No. 72900

File 133476342357.jpg - (26.17KB , 635x454 , untitled.jpg )

Who is this? Does she have a webpage or more videos? Where can i download this video?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/18(Wed)20:06 No. 72903

Someone must know who this is, have been searching for ages

Anonymous 12/04/19(Thu)12:35 No. 72926

File 133483175438.jpg - (129.96KB , 682x1024 , tumblr_ly61rdYxOQ1r1fc64o1_1280.jpg )

Someone must know who this is??

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/19(Thu)15:42 No. 72939

File 133484293497.jpg - (29.17KB , 500x667 , tumblr_lduu622dKi1qegl87o1_500.jpg )

anynone knows the name or have moar?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/22(Sun)09:08 No. 73017

File 133507850818.jpg - (49.97KB , 568x426 , 91ibyf.jpg )

anyone know who this is?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/22(Sun)22:11 No. 73034

File 13351254883.jpg - (46.24KB , 640x479 , tumblr_losrreL8xY1qbchkqo1_1280.jpg )

anyone know who this is?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/23(Mon)17:03 No. 73057

File 133519343389.png - (745.51KB , 960x540 , Untitled.png )

I have been wondering about this for ages myself, any info here would be greatly appreciated!

who is this Jack 12/04/25(Wed)12:04 No. 73120

File 133534827733.jpg - (196.32KB , 1148x1920 , df.jpg )

can u plz tell me her name or source for this image

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/27(Fri)07:40 No. 73203

File 133550520566.jpg - (21.64KB , 320x480 , unknowntgirl4-320x480[1].jpg )


Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/27(Fri)09:15 No. 73206

all from http://leakshow.tumblr.com

saaauce? more vids?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/29(Sun)02:06 No. 73254

does anyone know a name or have sauce?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/30(Mon)02:51 No. 73282


ok with help from /b/ i managed to track down the name and a few pictures, my question now is does she post anywhere anymore? the name is Uhglie by the way

Femcock Enjoyer 12/04/30(Mon)06:04 No. 73286

File 133575866671.jpg - (81.24KB , 600x776 , 836800273.jpg )

Anybody know where I can find more?

Femcock Enjoyer 12/05/01(Tue)09:16 No. 73322

File 133585656093.png - (820.82KB , 1169x662 , 1335849928479.png )


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