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Can anyone tell me the name of this pornstar? And where to find more! Basically looking for an mp4 of this video because it's my favourite and I can't quite get clipconverter to convert this one for some reason. I would settle for just finding out a name though. another vid
>>98895 She's my favorite too! jacqueline woods
File 141723559361.jpg - (87.74KB , 500x701 , 145756410.jpg )
Who's this?
^^ that is Sphirex, but now hes a she and goes by Synestra De Courcy
this was posted on 4ch yesterday. never seen her before. anyone got any info? 2;19 I've seen this scene on xvideos beofre, believe was called latin vs asian shemale or something along those lines. One of the hottest scenes ever. Anyone know the video or names?
>>98946 her name is jasmine.h, from what i could find she is not latina. this is another video of her jerking off