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SexyverseComics 18/11/01(Thu)19:50 No. 13265 [Reply]

File 15410982468.jpg - (639.89KB , 900x1350 , super-sons-paradise-ch-1-cover-v2.jpg )

Gumroad: gumroad.com/sexyversecomics

Hello! I'm the person beyond Sexyverse Comics and I'm here to talk about /ss/! Sweet, sweet boys having fun with sexy, sexy women! There's no greater love and I have a lot of comics and pin ups to prove it!

The Secretverse is now found in the Taboo Ultimate Pack which is packed with hundreds of comics and pin ups and now there's the Secret Membership, where you can help support us in creating more comics featuring /ss/, lolis, and incest!

There's three pages of Super Sons Paradise available for members right now and here's the cover!

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Anonymous 19/11/27(Wed)01:34 No. 14171

More by the same artist.


Lorenzo Niccolai 21/03/05(Fri)10:30 No. 15366


Jaguar Anonymous 13/02/08(Fri)22:31 No. 4158 [Reply]

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I remember posting this guy's site ages ago, when he was just starting out. I also remember someone mentioning how someone is gonna get him on his "payroll"
Well, that time finally came sometime ago and he already has a few comics up. One of them being this one.
In that same post, someone mentioned how he tends to "recycle" some of his drawn character models, reusing them not unlike an already existing western comic book artist. Not only that, it also seems he's very familiar with Hentai Doujins as well since the first story of "Banging Buddies" is essentially the same story as Aoi Hitori's Umi No Yeah!! (A struggling beach waitress convinced by two young guys to try on on a revealing bikini to bring in more customers.) Contains pretty much the same characters and development. Anyway, point is his artwork is up in case you haven't seen it already and it's still pretty good regardless of him taking some ideas from already existing comics.

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Anonymous 20/12/01(Tue)17:17 No. 15209

Rich Bitch: My Dreams Of Alexa

Anonymous 21/01/20(Wed)18:22 No. 15285


'Or so I thought' = Moar?

Anonymous 21/01/23(Sat)05:03 No. 15288


Yep there’s pt 2- public toy :)

Help finding this comic 20/11/25(Wed)04:34 No. 15194 [Reply]

File 160627527110.jpg - (42.49KB , 250x353 , df70e588e5305e15d8d71b09ad15872740ba3f48-1914296-1.jpg )

Hello everyone
could any of you help me find this comic
lewdoween 2020

It was in sad panda but is not there any more

Found Advocate 20/12/13(Sun)11:25 No. 15231


You may have to search the artist name.

Anonymous 20/12/18(Fri)00:36 No. 15234

Lemme know if you find it, I like the art style

Anonymous 21/01/04(Mon)20:47 No. 15266


Anonymous 11/12/01(Thu)04:50 No. 142 [Reply]

File 132271145825.jpg - (957.11KB , 830x1078 , 514597 - Delia_Ketchum Jessie Nurse_Joy Pandoras_B.jpg )

Is there anywhere to get a full PBX collection? Stuff is amazing.

45 posts and 130 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 20/12/25(Fri)23:35 No. 15248

Anonymous 20/12/25(Fri)23:37 No. 15249

Stuff is amazing.

Anonymous 20/12/25(Fri)23:40 No. 15250

Anonymous 11/03/18(Fri)01:53 No. 1503 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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Superman is so lucky.

60 posts and 77 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 20/10/30(Fri)18:28 No. 15149

Anonymous 20/10/30(Fri)18:29 No. 15150

Superman is so lucky.

Anonymous 20/12/09(Wed)17:52 No. 15225

Does anyone have anymore of Shade's artwork

Should i post more ... Anonymous 20/07/17(Fri)14:18 No. 14953 [Reply]

File 159498828155.jpg - (407.40KB , 1380x1429 , 24CF03B6-F5DE-477C-B28D-768122D0C2DD.jpg )

Theodore+Guy 20/07/18(Sat)19:39 No. 14955


Anonymous 11/10/10(Mon)05:46 No. 825 [Reply]

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Cavewoman - Color Specia

39 posts and 66 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 20/10/30(Fri)15:23 No. 15142

Meriem C. Cooper aka Cavewoman

Anonymous 20/10/30(Fri)15:24 No. 15143

help finding comic title E 11/07/26(Tue)21:10 No. 1068 [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]

File 13117074356.jpg - (14.42KB , 208x251 , 1310746762253s.jpg )

I remember an old comic about two broke rockers that find out that in the future they are extremely popular after they meet their's future manager who came vist them via phone booth time machine.

i just can't remember the comic title
but the comic was kind of indie/alternative and also got cartoon adoption.

170 posts and 165 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Tyme Machine - Star Wars Yoda Anonymous 14/10/18(Sat)22:48 No. 8029

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Model: 1202

Anonymous 14/10/18(Sat)23:01 No. 8030


Anonymous 13/02/07(Thu)05:46 No. 4151 [Reply]

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Kind of a weird request, and I doubt I'll have any luck, but does anyone know of any porn comics featuring wife/girlfriend swapping? No cuckold stuff, either. That's not my thing. It has to be two couples swapping partners.

The only one I know of is this Flintstones parody:


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Anonymous 15/05/24(Sun)03:09 No. 8764

it's already finished man isn't it i mean it ends with the wedding of bam bam and pebbles or is that a different one by the same artist?

Anonymous 20/10/16(Fri)20:37 No. 15126

>>8764 The wedding of bam bam and pebbles takes place BEFORE Fucknstones 3

Anonymous 20/10/16(Fri)20:38 No. 15127

[Andrew Tarusov] Swinging Island https://e-hentai.org/g/1510271/169e5bd76c/

XXX entertainment on Eternia & Etheria Anonymous 13/08/12(Mon)02:19 No. 5260 [Reply]

File 137626678441.jpg - (478.26KB , 620x845 , 422130%20-%20Masters_of_the_Universe%20Playboy%20P.jpg )

an arousing magazine featuring the cream of the crop among the Eternians and the Etherians.

19 posts and 50 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 20/01/20(Mon)12:23 No. 14555

Eternian She-Ra & black guy(s) by phil.t

Anonymous 20/09/10(Thu)09:14 No. 15067

Earthling Evil-Lyn (Evelyn Morgan Powers) and Eternian She-Ra

Anonymous 20/10/13(Tue)16:50 No. 15124

Etherian Shadow Weaver & Trollan Orko

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