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/men/ - Sexy Beautiful Men

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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Anonymous ## Mod ## 11/10/18(Tue)10:22 No. 101444 [Reply] [Last 50 posts] Stickied

File 131892614864.jpg - (25.57KB , 400x400 , norequests.jpg )

Rules of /men/:

1.) "who is this, source, does anyone have more, what series is this from" etc. go in this thread. If you can answer, reply in this thread, if you can't, don't.

2.) New threads should have at least three relevant images. Anything less will be considered a request thread and will be subject to deletion and/or banning.

3.) No furry or illegal content. Use the "Report Post" function if you see illegal or rule violating content.

4.) If you want to camwhore, just post as much as you can and go from there. If you just post one image and ask if /men/ wants more, your thread will be deleted in accordance with rule #2 and you will be banned for 1 day or more.

5.) This board is for gay porn only. Gay discussion goes on /fag/. Cross-dressing goes on /cd/. Traps go on /di/.

2247 posts and 1270 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

Porn Video Thread (Take 3) Anonymous ## Mod ## 11/03/03(Thu)18:45 No. 85522 [Reply] [Last 50 posts] Stickied

File 129917433584.png - (11.36KB , 461x299 , Links go in this thread.png )

Okay the last "Porn video thread" was a success but not everybody knew it was supposed to be used for that (since it didn't say it anywhere). So I've taken all the links from that as well as a brief description (if one was given) and I'll post them in this thread. From now on all porn video links go in this thread.

Since it needs to be said, No Requests and yes, I added the newer links.

Super-cute, horse-hung, muscular boy
Here's a video of two guys on a subway who suck in front of a stranger. It's from a film called Wall Street by director Michael Lucas who shot this illegally in New York.
http://video.xnxx.com/video749406/sorry_mom < Broken
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8TWKFSBI < Replacement
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

1077 posts and 170 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

My hot nude Picture Hotuser1807 24/09/01(Sun)00:08 No. 124719 [Reply]

File 172514213556.jpg - (2.28MB , 2300x4086 , My hot nude Picture .jpg )

My hot nude picture - Anyone can download this picture for free and use it publicly.

Anonymous 25/01/19(Sun)23:23 No. 124863

oo soo lecker schwanzerl

nackt meiner 24/10/18(Fri)09:27 No. 124783 [Reply]

File 172923642531.jpg - (177.18KB , 1000x750 , 2018-05-28_14-27-52.jpg )

Anonymous 25/01/19(Sun)23:21 No. 124862

oo soo lecker spitz

Anonymous 18/03/18(Sun)01:39 No. 123165 [Reply]

File 152133355841.jpg - (243.80KB , 1204x1240 , DSC03799.jpg )

just me

44 posts and 66 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 24/10/31(Thu)20:40 No. 124800

File 173040363745.jpg - (2.43MB , 2206x4076 , 678169097-bppimage.jpg )

Anonymous 24/11/15(Fri)18:05 No. 124810

File 173169032166.jpg - (2.03MB , 1832x3730 , 1000039577.jpg )

Anonymous 25/01/17(Fri)15:21 No. 124861

File 173712370799.jpg - (454.57KB , 1437x2114 , 1729763084244095.jpg )

Ric flashing cock ricmay 24/12/22(Sun)08:12 No. 124842 [Reply]

File 173485156340.jpg - (538.35KB , 519x1237 , 9cs0m0.jpg )

Anonymous 24/12/15(Sun)14:44 No. 124834 [Reply]

File 173427025235.jpg - (2.99MB , 4000x3000 , 20240105_174704 - Copy.jpg )

Anonymous 24/12/20(Fri)11:43 No. 124841

nice cock anon

Thick Cut Cocks Cut Cocks are sexy 24/01/25(Thu)10:04 No. 124460 [Reply]

File 170617349030.jpg - (36.52KB , 540x720 , 7162F457-3997-4DF5-9A74-2F8B8905E3B5.jpg )

Post dicks that are thick and big… and cut!

Cut+Cocks+are+sexy 24/01/25(Thu)10:11 No. 124461

File 170617391096.jpg - (29.41KB , 540x720 , 4502C864-E89F-475A-9C1E-D96E2FA85488.jpg )

So thick

Cut+Cocks+are+sexy 24/01/25(Thu)10:13 No. 124462

File 170617403355.jpg - (50.00KB , 720x539 , 43C43E1B-E969-462A-BE25-152135EE4F35.jpg )

My cut cock, post y’all’s cocks! What you guys think of mine?

deviantsexxx 24/12/11(Wed)07:12 No. 124830

File 173389757329.png - (849.85KB , 659x874 , Screenshot 2024-12-11 011048.png )

Dutch+fag 24/12/09(Mon)18:17 No. 124829 [Reply]

File 173376463865.jpg - (373.53KB , 895x569 , IMG_5646.jpg )

Dutch fag shows himself

Ric flashing cock and balls ricmay 24/12/07(Sat)01:06 No. 124825 [Reply]

File 173353001256.jpg - (912.72KB , 3000x4000 , 2024.jpg )

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