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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

DIY projects, instructions, recipes, experiments, all types of "workshop porn", workstations, tools, infographics, etc.

This is a safe-for-work board. No porn, and no barely censored nudity.

Disclaimer: 7chan’s DIY board is a community-driven board where users share projects. While we strive to moderate harmful or dangerous content and rely on the community to report any violations, 7chan cannot guarantee the accuracy, safety, or legality of all user submissions. By using this board, you agree that 7chan is not responsible for any damages, injuries, or legal issues arising from content posted here. Likewise, if you recognize that a project posted here may cause harm, report it. Discretion is advised.

  • Supported file types are: DOC, DOCX, GIF, JPG, LIT, PDF, PNG, TXT, WEBM
  • Maximum file size allowed is 5120 KB.
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  • Currently 4 unique user posts. View catalog

  • Blotter updated: 2018-08-24 Show/Hide Show All

Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

DIY Rules ChibiQ ## Admin ## 24/12/28(Sat)04:53 No. 1 [Reply] Locked Stickied

File 173535799690.png - (1.05MB , 1002x711 , 0821b6bebbe7720b65c9627af75c1a1b.png )

1. The following type of posts are instant-ban territory: How to get bitches. How to make money (/jew/). Creating weapons of mass destruction. Black-hat hacking tutorials. Dangerous troll tutorials. Blatantly-illegal tutorials. Advertisements and spam. Metaphysical, paranormal, or other /x/ related "tutorials".
2. Requests within the context of the OP project are permitted. Top-level posts requesting support will be banned. This is NOT a tech support board.
3. Videos and links are permitted as long as you post a full explanation of their content.

Anonymous 25/01/11(Sat)04:13 No. 13 [Reply]

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Free projects off of craigslist/fb marketplace

I've seen some decent looking utility trailers made from the frames of these things

STENCIL THREAD deadbabies!o7IoaYt5UM 24/12/28(Sat)05:02 No. 2 [Reply]

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Sup /diy/ how about a thread for stencils. These are an easy /diy/ thing you can do with a printer, some paper, some scissors, and some paint.

6 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
deadbabies!o7IoaYt5UM 24/12/28(Sat)05:04 No. 9

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Anonymous 24/12/29(Sun)05:19 No. 11

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New board!

Anonymous 24/12/30(Mon)15:37 No. 12

File 173556946594.jpg - (44.13KB , 679x679 , FAFODumpster.jpg )

You're welcome xD

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