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/cd/ - Crossdressing

/cd/ has it's own IRC channel on 7Chan's IRC. It's #/di/ on irc.7chan.org, for info on how to connect see: This article in the FAQ

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Hookup Thread Anonymous ## Admin ## 17/09/25(Mon)22:36 No. 45302 [Reply] Stickied

File 150637179248.jpg - (127.82KB , 850x464 , fark_ixu6tLficyrJ_DyALK6VR3Uc_go.jpg )

It's become apparent to us as of late, that /cd/ & /di/ are in need of a hookup thread, and since we care so little about you, it's taken us quite a while to get around to doing it. Anyway, here it is.
This is going to be a shared thread, that means that both /di/ and /cd/ will be using this thread.. Don't let it turn to complete shit, report rule breaking posts and most importantly, don't be desperate as fuck.

The rules for this thread are as follows:

1) A/S/L is important. Post your age, gender (or post/pre-op), and location. Oh, also, specify if you're a top or bottom if it's relevant.
2) Contact information! If you don't post contact info your post will be deleted. There's no point in posting without contact info. Skype, MSN, E-Mail, IM, anything will do. I'd steer clear of facebook etc, but it's up to you.
3) Post a fucking picture, seriously. Posts without pictures are way less likely to even be acknowledged by the userbase. You're all horny perverts, you're all drawn to images. Use this to your advantage.
Optionally, you can post what you want to do, if you want to meet up with people or just chat etc..

This thread is on trial basis at the moment, if it's still here in a few months then it's probably not going to be deleted/I'm too lazy to delete it.

Pic related: It's you.

Oh also: I forgot to say that irrelevant conversation is discouraged and will be deleted. Please keep all conversation to a minimum, it just clogs up the thread.

That and if you're just looking to meet guys and not traps/crossdressers then check out /fag/'s hookup thread.

40 posts and 22 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 24/10/15(Tue)08:03 No. 48730

File 172897221854.jpg - (117.34KB , 640x1002 , send-any-porn-hentai-and-i-will-edge-to-it-v0-ly54.jpg )


Sissy slut can't stop gooning. Force them to keep going.

Rules Anonymous ## Mod ## 11/10/20(Thu)16:32 No. 138 [Reply] Locked Stickied

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1) All new threads require at least three relevant images; anything less will be considered a request and will be subject to deletion and banning. Relevant conversation threads are exempt from this rule.

2) Use the Report button and the Hide Thread feature. No flaming, bitching about board appropriate content, hook-up threads or furry content is allowed.

3) Camwhoring is encouraged. If you're going to camwhore, don't just post one image and ask if /cd/ wants more. Post as many as you can, and if they do they'll tell you. Posts with only one image will be deleted and you'll be banned (for an hour or so) just so you know where you went wrong.

4) Make sure you're posting on the right board. Traps go to /di/, men go to /men/, women go to /s/.

5) At the minute we don't think /cd/ needs a request thread. If however it should need one, this thread will be altered to allow requests.

If you want more content ask for it in the thread, posts asking to be e-mailed more will be deleted and repeat offenders will be banned.

facials on CD deviantsexxx 24/12/11(Wed)07:14 No. 48762 [Reply]

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Anonymous 25/01/24(Fri)20:18 No. 48794

Why did you stop at one?

Wwyd Anonymous 24/12/31(Tue)10:23 No. 48780 [Reply]

File 173563700852.jpg - (4.20MB , 3648x2736 , Peachy_20241231_024913682.jpg )

Please take these panties off me and fuck me

Catgirl maid in the wild kitty 24/10/11(Fri)02:49 No. 48729 [Reply]

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Hiiii kitty 24/10/11(Fri)02:43 No. 48724 [Reply]

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Anyone want to see a cosplay slut?

1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
kitty 24/10/11(Fri)02:45 No. 48726

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kitty 24/10/11(Fri)02:46 No. 48727

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kitty 24/10/11(Fri)02:47 No. 48728

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Forget MGTOW.. Anonymous 24/08/27(Tue)15:01 No. 48694 [Reply]

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Join MBTOG! Men becoming their own gf's

Here is sexy masturbation videos Anonymous 24/03/23(Sat)03:28 No. 48497 [Reply]

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chasitity NoUnderScore 24/07/27(Sat)18:09 No. 48671

You post nice videos, but you are missing a chastity cage. Videos of you in chastity with a thick dildo deep inside you... now those vids would be very nice. Think you can be a good girl & make some?

here are some of me Anonymous 24/04/13(Sat)12:06 No. 48521 [Reply]

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11 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
23ciccio 24/05/11(Sat)09:07 No. 48566

do you have kik

Anonymous 24/07/11(Thu)04:55 No. 48646

nice dick bro

Anonymous 24/07/17(Wed)20:29 No. 48660

Wow you're sexy! Michigan maybe?

Anonymous 24/03/30(Sat)20:18 No. 48508 [Reply]

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what her name

2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 24/04/28(Sun)17:58 No. 48560

name is latina.com

Anonymous 24/06/18(Tue)20:35 No. 48612

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Her name is Gia Itzel AnonJoe 24/07/15(Mon)13:15 No. 48653

Her name is Gia Itzel

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