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/cake/ - Delicious

Welcome to /cake/, 7chan's board for drawn lolicon material.

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  • Cartoons and photorealistic images will be deleted on sight. Offenders will be banned.
  • A character's canon age is irrelevant on this board. Should a character appear to be a loli, for all intents and purposes, they are.
  • This board is for porn, not for in-depth discussion of the subject matter of said porn. Repeat offenders will be banned and their threads deleted.
  • Posting a request thread without at least three related pictures is a bannable offense.
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I <3 cunny!

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KENZEN☆MAGIC Anonymous 22/03/10(Thu)13:44 No. 64757 ID: 29082d [Reply]

File 164691628152.jpg - (54.56KB , 600x600 , 040030270295-1p.jpg )

Does anyone here know where I can find this Doujinshi? It's called KENZEN☆MAGIC and it's by Genjirou / 言示弄 even the places that are supposed to sell it don't have it in stock.

Anonymous 22/03/10(Thu)13:45 No. 64758 ID: 29082d


Anonymous 22/04/15(Fri)03:12 No. 64783 ID: 5e8047

Here you go.

animated 20/04/13(Mon)03:44 No. 64082 ID: de0368 [Reply]

File 158674224826.gif - (3.25MB , 920x690 , 788082ccbcff3d7bc4331fcb97f46e67.gif )

post animated .gifs/webms here

21 posts and 22 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 22/02/01(Tue)10:43 No. 64739 ID: aa2e30

For when loli just isn't enough, hit me up wickr theciaman

Anonymous 22/03/02(Wed)21:16 No. 64754 ID: adfc9b

One on the left, source? Been looking forever.

Anonymous 22/03/27(Sun)10:10 No. 64773 ID: 7e2c07


333minutes uncensored Anonymous 22/02/13(Sun)03:57 No. 64745 ID: c4bcfd [Reply]

File 164472105541.png - (650.55KB , 1210x1354 , 3409337 - 333minutes Marnie Porkyman Porkyman_Swor.png )

If anyone has any 333minutes art uncensored post it here please

/Luku/ Anonymous 22/02/19(Sat)07:05 No. 64751 ID: 1fa4f8 [Reply]

File 164525074321.jpg - (517.72KB , 500x1041 , ade91688c3fcd3a4d85f0724abcf94b63c6808f5.jpg )

Nude Edit Thread Anonymous 21/11/17(Wed)18:46 No. 64663 ID: cfcdca [Reply]

File 163717116145.jpg - (533.23KB , 1329x1050 , 4510313 - Misha_Takanashi Our_Maid_Is_Way_Too_Anno.jpg )

Anonymous 21/12/07(Tue)17:45 No. 64677 ID: 229a7f

File 163889552248.jpg - (230.05KB , 850x1129 , sample_45aadc94a564c0f4a5adefa3ff608a25.jpg )

Anonymous 21/12/27(Mon)12:47 No. 64722 ID: 1e69e1

File 164060563657.jpg - (86.70KB , 588x939 , 4425574 - Lana Porkyman Porkymaneditlolio_Sun_and_.jpg )


Nezuko Thread Anonymous 20/05/09(Sat)01:28 No. 64122 ID: 788291 [Reply]

File 158898051737.jpg - (205.07KB , 850x1133 , nez gag.jpg )

Year has passed. It's about god damned time we get a thread going to lewd this loli! Come on chumps! Let's do this!


4 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 20/07/22(Wed)22:46 No. 64215 ID: 53b453

Don’t mind if I do (1st pic)...

Anonymous 20/07/27(Mon)03:24 No. 64218 ID: 44cd0d

File 159581305591.png - (2.97MB , 1500x2098 , cc5e8854e7dcff615dff9952264c494c.png )


I just wanted to finish the Leeroy. I don't have her lewds, sorry.

Anonymous 21/08/28(Sat)04:42 No. 64593 ID: 8f4829

File 163011852441.jpg - (104.11KB , 707x1000 , c60032a5d9ad8256bbc17958a3ec5118-sample.jpg )

3d mami (madoka magica) 2 Anonymous 20/11/12(Thu)04:43 No. 64356 ID: c16b2c [Reply]

File 160515263117.gif - (1.32MB , 176x144 , 3SAUlUC9_o.gif )

video http://acconpit.com/7UM3

Anonymous 20/12/14(Mon)04:31 No. 64394 ID: 79ae2d

Woman rapes

Anonymous 21/02/09(Tue)03:41 No. 64449 ID: 467b75


ben 10 Anonymous 21/01/12(Tue)03:59 No. 64429 ID: 32dce5 [Reply]

File 161042034782.gif - (1.98MB , 176x144 , rP18fvH0_o.gif )

video http://zipteria.com/3Q9s

Anonymous 20/12/31(Thu)17:28 No. 64422 ID: 520eda [Reply]

File 160943208152.jpg - (1.07MB , 997x1700 , lolibooru 253314 age_difference charlie_and_the_ch.jpg )

Yunyun Paradise Anonymous 20/12/24(Thu)04:24 No. 64414 ID: 6ab627 [Reply]

File 160878027054.gif - (2.11MB , 176x144 , eFuvWGcd_o.gif )

video http://vaugette.com/4Lv4

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