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>Are anti-spam filters hard to made/implement?
>Is this botspam novel or obfuscated?
No, this botspam is bare-bones and super repetitive.
If devs are no longer active/on-site, they could have 'at least' made competent tools in the past, and left those behind for the current (idiot) staff to use. Clearly this never happened, so the old devs were worthless and it is likely 7chan currently has no active devs (or no 'good' ones lol).
All of this 'could' still work if 7chan had active moderation. But it doesn't. There are obviously 12-24 hour windows with zero filed Reports being solved, so functionally the site is derelict. Even worse, instead of (eventually) banning illegal content like CP, these nigger-janitors issue "joke bans" on users. (LOL I BAN U XDDD) I'm a janny for a dead website on the internet! How funny! How lolrandumb! xD Clap! Clap for the banana, monkey! Clap! Clap! Clap!
Honestly why anyone even visits this shithole. Clearly no staff care anymore, or have cared for a very long time.